Roxanne’s big news
I’m moving back to the United States soon.
I love Japan so much. I love living here, I love the culture, I love the people, I love the freedom of financial independence. Though I don’t make so much, it’s enough to be comfortable. July 16th ironically marks my 8th year of living here, having moved here right after college. I love my friends here. I love my GroundSlam gym training partners. I feel like I have a big and little brother here, and an uncle. They are family.
I love my job. It’s very satisfying. My bosses have treated me well. My co-workers are pretty wonderful. My students are happy with my teachings.
However, I’m not where I want to be in my MMA career. It’s good, but I know I can be better. Especially now that the UFC is putting on women’s fights, and Invicta is huge and successful now. This is the time…I’m thirty years old. My body feels like it’s 50, some mornings. If I were ever to train full time and follow that dream, now is the time. Training is good here in Japan, but I want to train full time in the US.
To do that, I have to let go of my dream of living in Japan. I’ve lived that dream for 8 long, happy years.
But I’m an American. I’ll always be an American. I love my country, and I’m looking forward to being back and being able to see my beloved parents more than once a year.
More details will follow later.