Sunday morning was a repeat of Saturday. Wake up early, pick up Serena, go to 24 Hr Fitness, exercise, go to Mandalay Bay, park in the exact same parking spot every time. This time, we met Julie Luey from! 😀 Who gave me the awesome oriental design wave shorts I post about all the time. 😀 weeee.
julie luey meili

Before I left the house, I took a poll: which socks should I wear? Skulls and hearts, or My Little Ponies? (Both of which, my die-hard fan Rob sent me as a gift. <3 <3 <3 lol #bestfansever ) 8 people said s&h, and 11 said ponies. So ponies won. Dude. Nineteen people replied in the span of an hour about Roxy's socks. HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT?! #bestfansever roxy socks ftf
(click the picture to enlarge, because you know you wanna see my socks and T shirt up close)
I did another Fear the Fighter signing. I loooooooove this Spiderman T-shirt design.
linkie poo to the website with T shirt 😀

And there’s this crazed fan (j/k) who always come into my chat room and says my name three times, and tries to convince me to have beer and stuff…….hahah. She said she was coming to the expo. I was like “oh okay, come say my name 3 times so I know it’s you.”

SHE DID! 😀 CANDY CANDY CANDY! #bestfansever She’s not as crazy in real life. Or so I think! 😀 <3 She came back after my signing finished, and so did Serena and Julie. I was starving, so I went with them up to the 'green room' that I mentioned in my previous entry and was like, “They are with me.” So they got in. Yaay #cuzImRoxy ;_; We had place to relax and chat.

(left to right above me, Serena, Julie, Candy)
gang in the green room

and and and I met John Dodson, one of my favs on TUF somenumber. And training partner to my buddy Tara and Celine! 😀 AND HIS T-SHIRT FREAKING ROCKSssss. #fangirl
john dodson

and we met Dan Severn! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 #fangirl
dan severn with group

Then I did signings and photo op at Outlaw Fight Gear again!
outlaw fight gear with dummy2
I got some gear. I can’t wait to try it out.

Then I went to the TUF 19 Finale with Jamie! 😀 And I met Jordan McDonald there, and the ladies Stacey and April and that other cool dude I forget his name ;_; *facepalm*.
(jamie and jordan and photobomber)
roxy  jamie jordan

Then “Uncle Creepy” Ian McCall sat down next to me. weee 😀 😀 😀 He’s such a super nice guy. XD Smaller in real life than the big screen. Someone else told me he thought I’d be taller. hah.
uncle creepy and us
And Chris Beal was a few feet away! #bestflyingknee #TUF19 Why am I hashtagging my blog? XD LMAO
chris at ufc 19 finale

It was amazing seeing BJ Penn and Frankie Edgar fight live. Also the other fights were great! Man, I wanna fight so bad. 🙁 Why do I not have a fight set yet? I had to tell line hundreds of people I didn’t know when I was fighting again. It was depressing.

But this weekend was fun. Thanks to Miesha for a lot of things. <3