So the past couple of days have been stressful for various reasons. And my XYZ body part has been hurting, but nothing super serious, and manageable.
I had mitts with coach Gunz on Wednesday and I admit I was kind of nervous. He runs a hard practice and I really wanted to impress him. ^^;; I did okay, though! And MAN, he knew evil stuff that burn out the body and make you feel like you’re in a fight…which is what I need at this point. I felt way more confident in myself after that session.
Wednesday night after teaching the kid’s class, I went home and finished the anime Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
Wow, what an AMAZING series. Seriously, it had all sorts of deep messages and powerful imagery. I first watched it when I was in college, but when I heard the manga continued, I didn’t really feel like it was finished. Brotherhood, the continuation, is ridiculously superior.
Anyway, today Miesha and Chel-C (twitter @chelcBailey) came to Syndicate to help me out with sparring for my training camp. Many thanks!! 😀 Along with Jamie, they shark-tanked me kickboxing and MMA-wrestling-grappling. That means I stay in the middle, but they alternate out every two minutes so a fresh guy (gal) came in. The shark-bait gets tired REALLY fast. But I was okay! 😀 rar! I love sparring with Chel-C. She is awesome and talented.
Here’s a pic of me and Jamie showing off our Mei-Li shorts. Dragons and kanji! I love this brand. That’s why I post about it so much. I want to get Julie, the maker, publicity. 😀
(click to enlarge)
Chelsie and Miesha! 😀 <3
HEY, no fair double-teaming the Roxy! Well, that’s what it felt like to be shark-tanked. And Miesha showed me this nifty new move. COACH Miesha. #GoTeamTate
And thanks to my coaches for looking out for me. 😀
Then I went home feeling battered (like a battered fish! shark-bait? HAHAaaaaa) and took an ice bath.
This is post-ice-bath Roxy.
Notice the ice-bath hair – buns tied up on the side so hair doesn’t get wet. Holding empty ice-bags. Not thrilled but stoic icy expression. and T-shirt from new sponsor
And then I was FREEZING so I drank some hot Herbal Papaya tea with healthy immune-supporting extract in it.
Another sponsor! I’m so blessed to have sponsors. This is why it’s easier for a pro fighter to live in the US than Japan. -_-
Now I am so sore and exhausted I can’t wait to be go to bed. lol