Big Parfait, modeling Fightchix: Sale w/ free autograph!!

Today, Brittany came especially to train with me in the morning class!! Thank you, my friend! <3 We did drills and stuff, and then I got Mamoru -san to give me a clinch lesson. I learned a ridiculous amount in the span of 15 minutes. O_O;; THANK YOU!! Brittany and I then went to a ....maid cafe! That's right! The waitresses are dressed up like maids and call the customers "Masters." We got dragged there with the guys from the gym last time, but the food was actually good. We ordered and split "omu rice," or 'rice omlette." R and B omlette
They wrote “R & B” (for Roxy and Brittany) in Katchup. Hah! We wanted to try their version of the “Big Parfait.” This puppy!brittany big parfait

It turned out to be superior to Shakey’s. No fruit, and I didn’t feel sick after eating it. 😀 Looks like we have a winner! Sorry, we weren’t allowed to take pics of the maids. lol

So I also got some clothing from my wonderful sponsor, Fightchix!

For the FIRST TEN PEOPLE!!!! With any purchase with Fightchix clothing, you get 10% off if you use the keyword “Happy” and we’ll send you a free autographed picture (post card sized):Roxy belts for site small

I actually already had a track jacket, so I got Brittany to pose with me, so we could be like twins! 😀 <3 brittany and roxy fightchix jackets

Click here to check it out on the Fightchix website!

roxy green fightchix

roxy pink fightchix
Here’s this one! I like this one.
link to website

Mail Fightchix if you have any questions, heehee.
