Yesterday I taught morning lessons, and then raced to catch a train to take me south to Kamakura.

This was my first time going to the beach in Japan, in the 7 years I’ve been here. Now, I’ve “seen” the beach and walked on the boardwalk at Enoshima and Shonan, but I’ve never had a beach day where I go swimming. I enjoy it! I’ve just never had the opportunity because I work when everyone else is going on the weekends, and I never want to cancel training to have a beach day.

I was invited by the ZFC guys, where I’ve been training on Saturdays. It was so nice of them to include me! I met Ogi-san at the station, where we walked 15 minutes to Yuigahama. I slathered myself with sunscreen.

The water was really really REALLY warm, to the point where I actually wished it were a little cooler. I loved swimming in it, and I chatted a lot with everybody in Japanese. It was totally awesome.

Me and Ogi- san (pic) and Ota-san and his GF had lunch together. I have my Tussle white T shirt over my bathing suit on so it reflects the light. I’m so scared of sunsburn. (actually, I was just shy)
Our lunch was Taco Rice (taco-flavored rice with a little lettuce surrounding it…no actual tacos.) and Shirasu (tiny fish) pizza. LOL Strange combos, but all are popular in Japan, and
delicious all around.

We stayed from about 1 to 5…it took everyone FOREVER to pack up. u_U We stopped by Saizeria, an Italian Style cheap restaurant on the way home. I got home at 8:30, pretty tired.

Every Gold’s Gym is closed today, Monday, due to the summer Obon Holiday, so I made plans with my friend/ex-co-worker Grace to go Fuji Q highlands! Turns out you have to make a bus reservation a month in advance, so we’re gonna take the train.

This is my last summer fling. After this, I’m gonna totally focus on preparing for my fight October 1st.