You know you need a day off when you wake up in the morning and wish you hadn’t.
Wednesday was the day I usually take off, but I had really wanted to do BJJ! Yesterday was sparring day. But the biggest challenge of training MMA is knowing how hard to go when. Do I save myself for sparring this afternoon or tomorrow, or push through today/ this morning? It’s really impossible to know, because every time is different.
Oh well. I learned some cool stuff on Wednesday.
I watched Naruto for a few hours, went to Syndicate and started class, thinking if I warmed up, the pain would go away. No. 🙁 Then Jake came and fixed me up. 😀 I <3 Chiroman!! 😀 hahah that’s your new nickname! Superman +Chiropractor = the new breed of hero – Chiroman!!!! 😀 😀 😀
I met this nice woman who's going to fight in King of the Cage on Saturday! damn me, I forget her name. ;_; She was so nice, though!
Went home for a few hours, tried not to be depressed I didn’t spar, did chores, ate a ton of pumpkin pie, then went back to help Chris teach the kid’s classes.
They’re separated into 4:00 – 4:45 5 yr olds to 7 yrs, then 4:45 – 5:30 8yr olds to 14 yr olds. Chris was delayed so I warmed everybody up. Fourth time participating, first time leading. 😀 Then we finished and he STILL hadn’t come, and I hadn’t really thought of anything to do ! Gah! So I started teaching them but scooting backwards in the Gracie Stand up position, and then Chris came. That went fine, as did the next class. I actually rolled with this girl Trinity because she was big enough that I wouldn’t crush her. That was funny. 😀 and fun.
Then wrestling started. I never teach wrestling because… I don’t know wrestling. I mean, I know SOME, but I haven’t learned all the terms, and so when the kids are doing it wrong, I’m not sure how to correct them. I don’t want to be “just do it like this” because it might be jiu-jitsu base, not wrestling base, and not what Johnny taught them before. Like, they teach side control differently than how I would teach it, so I have to pay attention and conform.
A few kids were obviously excited that they saw me on TV. 🙂 One kid kept asking me questions about moves, and it was obvious he could already do well, but wanted me to watch him. 🙂 Which is fine. haha
So the first two classes were separated by age, but not for wrestling. ALL of the kids flooded back onto the mat, and started running in a circle to warm up. Other assistant coaches disappeared, and it looked like only Benji. Where was Johnny? Oh well.
So I was just about to leave to go to Colleen’s going away BBQ when Benji came up to me. “I’m covering for Johnny…” he said, “Are you staying?”
“No…” I said.
“Please do,” he said earnestly. I looked at the mass of 35+ kids swirling around like a hurricane. 😡 Cancel my plans to cover for a colleague with little reward except it’s the right thing to do? Aaah, sounds familiar, like my former job at BERLITZ. Haha! I don’t miss that aspect about my lovely former job! But I’ve never regretted covering. Because it’s the right thing to do.
“Okay,” I said. I became in charge of the little ones, because the Benji’s explanations went totally over their heads. They couldn’t even do the hand grips, much less shoot.
“There are as many girls as boys in this class! It’s 2013!” Benji said. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing! So many girls! 🙂 How cool!
At one point, this 6-7 year old kept climbing on the cage and not even doing the move, so I tried to discipline him by making him do push ups (Chris had done that before) but he refused and wouldn’t cooperate at all. Omg. X_x;; So I taught the other kids and scolded him to get out of the way when he ran around. I asked him what the problem was and he wouldn’t talk to me. -_-; I asked him if the move was boring and if he didn’t want to do it, and he wouldn’t reply! I told Benji to scold him in an authoritative manly fashion, but even that didn’t help. Why not? *falls over* Kids usually listen to me, but there are a few who don’t respect my authoritah!
(click here)
Class ended, so I showered as fast as I could and headed over to Colleen’s. Party started at 6, but I got there at 7. Turns out she lives like 5 minutes from my place! 😀 I had a ton of chips and guacamole. Lol And a turkey burger and piece of chicken. Hah It was fun. I talked with Syndicate people, some people from Drysdale’s were there, It was great.
Chiroman and his wife were there! That was nice. I started getting really tired, so I left a little early. Fell asleep at my computer so went to sleep at 10:30. Woke up at 5!! Seven hours! Wow! 😀