I’m reading this book called “Who says you can’t? You do.” Coach John told me to buy it, and said “It’s sh*t I say but more in depth.” or something. I dunno about that, but I like it. I share a lot of the same positive, constructive thinking processes that the book suggests anyway, which is a pretty cool think to realize, but I’m not very far along. It did make me think hard about being compassionate and sparked an interesting convo with Serena.

Anyway, the book suggests that you make a list of things you’re grateful for, saying that we humans are so focused on what we want, we forget to appreciate what positive things we have here and now, and we should make a list for us to read when we feel negative. That’s a technique I already use when I’m feeling bummed or upset for whatever reason anyway, even trying to motivate myself to train if I’m hurt.

I could go on forever. The first thing I’m grateful for is always that I’m alive. Next, that I can walk. I’ve been hurt so that I couldn’t walk in the past, and it’s the worst thing ever. Some people don’t have legs and will never walk, or have sciatica and spine problems and every step is agony. So I’m grateful I can walk. I always think this almost every day. That I have my senses. That I have friends. My parents are alive and are really great parents! My grandparents are dead, but I’m glad I got to meet them. That I have fans who love me and support me… I could go on for a long time because I’ve thought about all this before…

….but branching off on that last one, I was invited to dinner by two fans of mine! I met them while walking past the Keno lounge in the Orleans Casino, where I go two times a week to run stairs! They’re lovely people, and this time I got to meet their son and we had such a nice time. They told me how they got a bunch of people together and were crowded around an iPad to watch my fight. I’m really touched to hear that!

Actually, I’ve gotten two interview requests lately. That’s unusual. I’ve only ever gotten pre-fight interview requests before, never ones after my fight, especially after losing! Why do they wanna talk to me? But it reminds me of the loving feeling I felt while leaving the cage after losing in the UFC TUF 19 finale….I was so crushed at my loss, but as I walked down the pathway to exit the arena, I felt that the people around me were screaming my name and cheering just as much as when I had entered. Thank you.

I have my own goals in life. Win a title. Beat Barb Honchack. Actually make a profit with my fight money. lol Not depend on government assistance for health insurance. Live by myself. Build a big kids jiujitsu team at Syndicate as big as when Alberto was here!

I’m so grateful I can teach kids and that they like me and my class! I don’t have kids of my own (yet?), and I want to help raise our next generation to be good people!

I’m grateful I have amazing coaches who care about me as a person and also making me successful.


I wanna get stronger. Get more fluent in Japanese to do translating jobs.

These things haven’t happened yet but I’m still really grateful for what I have and I think about them a lot. Every time I put on a pair of socks I feel loved, since like 75% of my socks are gifts. 😀

Reminding myself of these positive things constantly enhances my every day life while not putting me into a state of complacency where I wouldn’t want to try and work for more things. You don’t want to be “totally satisfied” in life, but you want to feel good about what you have while you strive for more!

And this is a really pretty song and makes me feel so excited about life!