I felt like hell this morning after training so hard last night. I had to cancel my training with my kickboxing coach. Sean. I basically slept all morning, and considered calling in to work…no, I had my kids and assessments. >_< gah
Three kid classes in a row, a break, and then a teenager assessment. The first kids class was an assessment: four 4-year olds and two 5-year olds. Wow. Shy and nobody wanted to speak or get up…
Then my rebels. The lesson plan said to teach them “I’m running errands with Mom. First, we’re going to the bank to get money. Then to the pharmacy to get medicine.”
HAHAHAHA you must be joking me. Their English is too limited for that. Come on, I’m not supposed to have to make up my own lessons here.
So anyway, I found a box that the paper water-fountain cups came in, printed out paper dollars, and got scrap paper. I handed the kids paper, and told them to write their first name in the ‘return’ space, and their friend’s names on the front. Some did, some didn’t understand and just copied “Jack” cuz that’s what I wrote as my ‘friend.’ I taught them the vocab for places, and had one kid be the post office clerk and hold the box. Everyone had to go up to her, put the letter in the ‘mailbox’ and say, “I’m mailing a letter.”
Go-go Gadget creativity! They loved it and insisted we do it three times. Then, I gave another kid the pile of money dubbed him the ‘banker,’ and everyone had to line up and say, “I’m getting money!” He had to give them some money. He only gave me one dollar, but everyone else about three. ;_; Meanie….
I wanted them to say “I’m getting money at the bank” but they couldn’t remember such a long sentence. (Heck, they couldn’t remember the phrases at the end of the class, even though they said them a ton during class -_-;) So after they got money for two rounds, I dubbed the last kid the shop keeper and gave him fruit and vegetable flash cards. The kids had to say, “I’m shopping! Apple, please,” and fork over a dollar.
It worked GREAT. I think an 8 year old needs to know the word “money” more than “errand” and “To-do list.”
Anyway. Then my older kids, and we paid each other compliments. I brought in my new ROCKET Pen that Ana gave me! 😀 That worked super well…we went round-robin complimenting each other on stuff, and they were able to say everything clearly. Success.
I feel really sick. I hope I wake up feeling better.