my first blog entry
(Uh okay I think I made a new ‘page’ before when I meant to make a post. Let’s try this…I’m still new at wordpress. )
Hello everybody, this is my very own blog on my very own website! 😀
Myspace was great….but it’s time to move on.
Let’s see if I can post a picture…
ooooh! I did it 😀 This pic was from when I trained with Sean Frew in Miyata-san’s gym Brave on Thursday. I was wearing… a lot. Until the heater kicked in.
Today I felt really crappy so I went home from work. SORRY guys ;___; I have two assessments tomorrow morning, so I gotta ganbaru (do my best) and bring in the new customers! 😀 I work from 8 to 3:15. I have to lose weight. >_< I hope this weight cut isn’t weakening me. Maybe it’s that everyone around me is sick, and I’m physically exerting myself. -_-;; Well. I watched “Blood: The Last Vampire” the live action movie on my computer. Looks like the anime is the same plot?
I think I’ll watch Naruto for the rest of the night. I usually hate laying down, but it feels great at the moment…
I wonder if somebody’ll comment 😀…