Work, chikuwa-people, autocorrects!

My stomach has been bothering me all week, wtf -_-; Maybe the change back to my normal diet…but aaaarg.

I taught all day, some extra bonus lessons, but I got to go home early.
I was so exhausted all day long. Back to being tired every day.
This weekend is going to be long, since I’m working bonus to cover for some teachers who evacuated the country.

I bought this little toy in a junk machine- chikuwa boy! chikuwa girl, chikuwa dog! Little fish sausages that I enjoy so much…they’re often stuffed with something, like fish eggs or veggies or sausages. Yes, a fish cake stuffed with a fish sausage. So bizarre. But not more bizarre than making a LIVING CHARACTER out of them.

And…I bought one for two bucks. XD LOL Yeah that’s right. And I uploaded it to facebook and tagged Tara (Larosa) and Michelle Ould just for laughs. XD

note: the autocorrect for “Yaaaay” is “Tasaday.” The autocorrect for “woooot” is “Woolly.” XD lol and the autocorrect for “whahaha” is “shabaka.” XD Finally, the autocorrect for “genki” is “genii.” Good thing I double-check before I post/send stuff!…