So yesterday completed my summer vacation. (all day and a half of it!)
I went to Fuji Q Highlands with Grace, my co-worker friend. Unfortunantely, it was freaking PACKED. Well, all Gold’s Gyms were closed today, so not being able to train, I decided to take this opportunity and do something fun.

It was a long 3-hour train ride to Mt. Fuji. The theme park is near the base.

There was a new roller-coaster debuting called Takatobisha. This sucker has some world record because it has that 121 degree angle/dip, as you can see here… but I got Grace to ride Eejanaika first with me. I’d riden it before and it was the most exciting 40 seconds of my entire life. Actually, we probably should have gone to the new one first, because later on in the day, the line was 4 hours long (there were signs) so we decided to pass on it. ;_; It was mostly waiting around and enjoying conversation, with a few rides thrown in here now and then, since the wait was so long. :/

(Mt. Fuji Rice crackers)

BUT I really enjoyed getting to know Grace better. We haven’t had the chance to really hang out before.

We went into this Evangelion world! We saw a few clips of the movie…but Mari was there, and it looked like a scene I hadn’t seen before? (hey that Rhymes) so I was confused…did the new movie come out yet? Hmmm

We went on this splash roller coaster and didn’t spend the money for a water poncho. We were the only ones. We got SOAKing wet. We might as well have just jumped in the pool. lol
But it dried within an hour since it was so hot!

Back to work. Back to diet. Gotta get my training in balance. I have a fight in a little over a month- Barb Honchak, October 1st, Fletcher North Carolina in “Blackeye Entertainment.”