Megumi came back from her trip and brought me back a ONE PIECE PENCIL! XD She’s my source of wonderful One Piece goods.
She also got me my most favorite hat- I love it because A) it’s cool B) it’s stylish (in my opinion,which is the only one that matters), and C) it’s really really really warm.
(This is kind of a weird picture of me, but I don’t feel like retaking it. XD)
Today, Friday, was my day off from training. My knee is doing great! But I’m happy to rest it today. I’m going spar harder on it tomorrow. It’ll be fine.
I had three kick-butt lessons first thing in the morning. I thought it was going to be stressful due to the material but it went ideally. I’m proud of myself. The customer seemed really happy.
I taught my eight year olds. They behaved, for the most part. At least they RESPONDED TO ME (read that ‘incessent chatter’), unlike my teenagers in the next class. -_- THEY JUST STAYED SILENT, AAAAARG. I told them to least say “I DON’T KNOW” or “I don’t understand.” But they just didn’t utter a word. I know English is hard.
I think their parents make them come. Well, that’s our education system for you.
I thought yesterday was Setsubun, but it was actually today. I already ate the lucky sushi roll yesterday but they were being sold today everywhere, and throwing beans at the oni (demon) was all my little kids were talking about.