Today I did grappling with Brittany M. before class started. Ironic my best friend in Japan’s name was Brittany, too. But I refer to her as Buri-chan. Then Vinny taught us some stuff about escaping from mount, but actually, I really dug how he taught us to keep mount and then transition. It was fun!
Except I bumped my head and the goose egg bruise I got in my fight started swelling again. GRAR. -_-
I watched some sparring. Coach John was tearing it up today!
After that, I had fun at my hang out today, at Tops N Bottoms Frozen Yogurt! Some fans came, and a bunch of training partners! I got them to come and be my body guards in case any stalkers showed up, but nobody scary did. hahahaha Thanks! It was fun!
People came and went and I didn’t get everyone’s picture.
Tomorrow, I’m going over Rhyanna’s house and making Plato with her! LOL Plato’s brother! I’m kind of excited. XD