my visit to NY and NJ to visit family!

I took a trip from Thursday to Sunday to visit my other half of the family! YAY!

As some may recall, I made this big plan for Christmas to see my Dad, Mom, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. Then I thought I would be fighting in Invicta in January so I canceled half the trip and only saw my dad so I could have enough time to train. I was gonna see my mom, too, but she FORBID me to come, stating that it was because she was worried about me driving in the a potential blizzard that never actually happened… and I think that was the most hurtful fight I’ve ever had with her in my life….

Just saying, Mom.
I would drive through a billion ice storms to see youuuuu! But then I’m a bad daughter if I worry my mother sick, right? I already worry her enough with my profession…gah!

I had fun visiting my dad and then found out I was NOT offered any fights January, so it was kind of all for nothing…

So that was an emotional time…

A fighter never REALLY knows when they’re going to fight. Some in the big leagues get fights set months in advance so they can plan around it, but also there are last minute offers to consider. My fight wasn’t being set and I really wanted to visit my mommmmmmmmmm and relatives! So I decided, screw it, and booked a trip two weeks from then (when I decided), which was last week!

It was a wonderful whirlwind and went according to plan!
“A perfect plan isn’t something where things happen perfectly. A perfect plan has the flexibility to change if need be.” ~Makishima Shogo, Psycho-pass

The plane from Denver to Newark was delayed two hours because of snow (HAHAH IRONY! grrr!).

I arrived, rented a car from Enterprise (I love them), drove to my Aunt Connie’s house! Saw my cousins and their toddler! He can talk now! That’s what happens when you visit once a year. haha

Stayed up late chatting with my cousin Joe-Joe to wait for my Aunt and Uncle to get home. I remember playing with him when he was baby, and now we talk about weight-training, fighting, and teaching together! haha! Then I chatted with my aunt until midnight.

Woke up Friday and Cousin Alison and her baby came over.

We all had breakfast and then I drove north to a small city in update NY where I saw my aunt, my mom’s older sister! I chat with her on the phone sometimes, but it was nice to sit down and chat. We met up with my Uncle for dinner and it was really nice. 🙂

Saturday morning I woke up super early and drove to see my MOM!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!

I can’t even express enough how happy I was.

I had lunch with my uncle, my mom’s brother! I have been wanting to meet him for an entire year now because he’s been ill, and when I went to the east coast last time, he was away from treatment. So I’m thankful he still here for me to see!! I took him out for Chinese food! I love talking to him! He’s so interesting. So creative. Then went back and hung out with mom and I took her out for Chinese food….at the same place. HAHAH I didn’t know my Uncle had wanted to go there before I made plans with my mom! lol oh well! *shrug* I like Chinese food. I would have liked to spend more time with my uncle, but I had so little time with my mom….I had like 24 hours in each place I visited. :/

I watched the X-files with my mom! That was an unexpected pleasure! We used to watch consistently all the seasons except the last one when I was in high school!!

Sunday afternoon I drove to the Albany airport and flew out in the evening. I got back to Vegas at like 11 PM Sunday, and woke up Monday ready to train!

I did my burpie set Monday morning and found my fitness hasn’t really gone down too much. I had been in great shape before I left. I probably gained a pound but whatever. I had been doing one-legged squats and other things my trainer Lorenzo taught me, plus stuff with the exercise band I brought with me.

I really liked this trip. I only missed teaching one kids class on Friday, and two MMA sessions (Thursday and Saturday). But it’s expensive for me to fly to the east coast twice in succession like this. :/

I wanna get rich so I can visit my family more and help my family.

Some of my teammates have been sick, and I got a sore throat but it went away without me coming down with anything. I have Herbal Papaya to thank…. I’ve never gotten sick while taking these capsules! They really do boost my immune system! I really recommend people checking them out on