I’m back from TUF 26

I’m back from The Ultimate Fighter Season 26!

It was an experience very similar and yet very different from my past experience on TUF 18.

I met a lot of good people who I will never forget, had some experiences I wouldn’t mind forgetting, but many unique and memorable ones that even my bad memory won’t let slip away. lol I learned MMA techniques, struggled, laughed, cried, deprived myself of TACOS for an unholy amount of time, folded a ton of origami, ate new things, found new foods, wore lots of Reebok, drew designs on my clothes, and found companionship in like-minded souls. I missed my Syndicate coaches but found support in my enthusiastic and caring new coaches. I steeled myself to be alone in the House, but realized time and time again that I wasn’t really alone.

It was like a crazy time-zone in there, kind of like the world of Narnia. I couldn’t sense the passage of time. I had no idea what day of the week it was. The day felt like it dragged on, but when I lay down to go to bed at the end of the day, I thought, ‘Where did the day go? That was quick.” My theory that it WAS Narnia. Look at the backyard! There’s a stone table and lamp post and everything.

I can’t give any more details, but the primer of the show is almost upon us! It’s every Wednesday starting August 30th on Fox Sports 1 at 7 PM PST/10 PST.

I’m allowed to share pics of the House that I took when I got my cell phone back as I was packing to leave.

Narnia, and the hammock we requested.

I was able to take a walk every morning. I haven’t lived in so much vegetation since I went to highschool in Lenox Massachusetts! I even got to pick cicada shells off the trees like I did when I was a kid! 😀

I used the hot-tub a lot.
I’m grateful for the amazing, beautiful house they provided for us.…