Tireless training, Axe Throwing, lotsagirls, One Piece, My next fight
I’ve been training very hard in preparation for my fight against Andrea Lee. She has improved a lot over the years since I last fought her, but then again, so have I. Her grappling has gotten better. Mine has, too, as well as my striking. I’m out of lockdown and able to train in a cage again.
I dunno, I don’t really feel like talking about training but it’s the thing I’m focusing the most on.
I haven’t written my story or played the piano in a month now.
Our group of female fighters is growing at Syndicate. The other day we had TEN WOMEN on the mat. I think that’s the most I’ve ever been around, even when I was with the AACC or Keishukai! Four of us are in the UFC (me, JoJo, Emily, Nicco) and two are with Invicta (Serena, Valerie). It’s great. And Jeslen wasn’t there that day. 🙁 I miss herrrrr come back soon! And Katniss! :/

They invited me cliff jumping today. I kinda of want to go…but I trained so hard today the last thing I want to do is more physical activity. I drilled and then sparred from 9 AM to 10:15 with Charlie at Dunham BJJ, then went to Syndicate and put Emily through a fight conditioning circuit, and then sparred kickboxing at open mat. Finished at 1 and got home at 1:30. So tired. I probably focus too much on training. I don’t do certain fun things in life, and I relax differently than other people. I’m also older than everybody else in my circle by about 7-10-ish years. :/ My sacrifice. *cue music*
Well, that’s why I’m always evolving and getting better. Everyone can see it in my fights. I’m still striving to improve, climb the rankings, make more money, build a career etc, but I’m proud of myself and what I’ve had to do to get here.
I’m still hurting from a month ago, honestly. However, I know that I don’t need my emotions to be a certain way to have a productive day. Emotions are often not real or not correct. They can change depending on what you’re thinking of. Just smile and carry on.
I’m highly motivated and working hard towards my next opportunity on September 12th!

I beat her once and I can beat her again. My training partners and coaches have noticed improvements in my fighting already after every week. I’m no longer that girl who lost to Lauren Murphy. I have evolved already. And this isn’t even my final form!!
“Life is like an EKG. It’s supposed to go up and down. If it doesn’t, it means you’re dead.” ~ Serena
Let’s see, how was my month?
I went axe throwing with some Muay Thai friends last week… kind of nostalgic fun since we haven’t hung out much since we trained in quarantine together. We also refer to our elbows as “axes,” so if you see me post icons of axes on my social media, that’s the reason.

I’ve been enjoying training with Emily lately. I’m glad she joined Syndicate. We go hard without trying to kill each other. I always appreciate a partner who I can trust my health to.

I’ve been watching a LOT of One Piece lately, dare I say marathon watching? I started on ep 770 last month and I’m now on ep 840. Holy crap so many episodes, but all so epic. Big Mom arc now. I cannot WAIT for it to be over. She is terrifying!!

And the social issue of “child abuse” is very disturbing to me. :/ I know all Edo’s arcs have a theme. It’s good because it teaches people. I love Luffy, as always. He’s so inspiring to me for his willpower of steel. “I’m gonna frigg’n sit here and starve to death unless Sanji comes back to this spot.” Wow, really?

At first you think it’s stupid but then you realize… No. No. That’s loyalty. You have to show loyalty to get loyalty back in return. You have to show dedicate, show respect, to earn it back. Show love, give love, get love. It’s important.
“You can’t get back what you have lost. What’s important is what you still have.” ~Jimbei
Makes you think…who’s got your back?! And just how much?

I’m also watching the new Lost in Space on Netflix.

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