Neo Judo class :D

Former UFC fighter Michihiro Omigawa has created a new style of martial art: Neo Judo!

Many people come from a gi martial art background, such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu or Judo or even sambo. You grip the gi and use it to pull and push your opponent, right? But then when you take the gi off for MMA, you don’t have the same grips anymore.

Omigawa-san is adapting Judo to fit MMA. Even in MMA sparring, he’s foot-sweeping people, flipping people, etc! It’s great! He’s been doing this for about two months now, and I’ve missed every one due to work, and health and other things, but last night, I finally went! 😀 A lot of people showed up! A writer from the MMA magazine “Fight and Life” was also there, and shot some photos for the magazine. Cool!
Omigawa-san is in the red shirt.
(click to enlarge)
Neo Judo group pic 1
A bunch of my teammates from Groundslam went!

neo judo ground slam