entries about training

fantastical training, Pinball, Serena, MMA gloves

Monday’s training was good. Great mitts, great team practice. I had lunch with Julie, who is the owner of www.meilifighting.com who treated Serena and I to a sushi lunch. 😀 I gotta remember to avoid the baked ‘yum yum sauce’ because it’s full of mayonnaise, I’m sure. x_x I want healthier. But it was SO tasty!

I helped teach the kid’s jiu-jitsu class, and then went home and crashed.

Tuesday, Leslie “The Peacemaker” Smith joined us for team practice! I enjoyed sparring with her a lot! 😀 And of course Serena and the rest of the team.
roxy leslie serena

muscle pose syndicate big
(click to enlarge)

Over the course of sparring, I got a glove in the eye. omgggg it hurt sooo bad. Like needles in the eye. Thankfully, it heals fast. But I wanted to just go home and lay in a dark room. Yesterday I could barely function, but today I could drive and blink and stuff.

So when I was at the UFC expo, a fellow from the company “Trebla” came up to me and introduced his products: elbow pads that bend well, and this “glove sox” which covers glove velcro. I tried them out. I LOVE THE GLOVE SOX. Omg. I don’t have to tape my MMA gloves all the time! So it costs $20 on the site, but it saves lots of taping time (and then you don’t have to rip the tape on and off if you have to take the gloves off). You save on tape. Think about it – you can buy four rolls of tape at $5 each.

I totally recommend this product. It stays on. I’m not sure I can make it stretch over boxing gloves velcro, though, but for sure, for MMA gloves.
linkie to site
glove sox
(click to enlarge)
And the elbow pads are nice. (my black ones)
trebla elbow pads and stuff

Serena and I went in early before practice and worked elbows. 😀 Fighter friends ftw! 😀 <3 We didn't hit each other that hard. Just light, to work technique. And I will not allow anyone to get near me with elbows without elbow pads. I learned from TUF 18 that accidents can happen. Tuesday I was supposed to speak at a kid's camp, but my eye was swollen and ridiculous, so I spent the afternoon at the Urgent Care clinic instead. 🙁 I got drops so it should be better by the end of the week. *sigh* stupid things. Hah I don't have sunglasses, so I used clip-on 3D ones I got in Japan. XD I am so cool. 3d glasses
No, things weren’t 3D.

random picture Julie took when I wasn’t looking because I’m wearing her shorts.
roxy hitting the heavy bag

Today was Serena’s last full day in Vegas. She’s actually from Philadelphia and is here on her summer vacation. :/ She goes back tomorrow. I’m going to miss her! We met on Facebook – she was my fan – and found out that my gym rents out a rooms in a fighterhouse, and decided to come here for two months to train! 😀 I now know how to fight a southpaw. lol I’ve never had a regular southpaw sparring partner before, other than BJ-san in Japan, but I didn’t get much sparring coaching there…. and I improved my stand up game even more. And I had a buddy to do things with.

We went to the Pinball Hall of Fame, which is in a little run down building, but omfg! It’s amazing! I am totally going back sometime soon!!
metallica pinball
The Metallica one was fun! It played Metallica songs!

and we were KILLING IT on the Batman one! Man, our game was like 20 minutes! 😀 I think we both killed Scarecrow and moved on to someone else? Pinball is getting complex! 😀
roxy serena pinball batman

oh and finally, I signed two Strikeforce gloves in both English and Japanese and managed to list them on Ebay! This cash will go towards traveling to the east coast for my friend’s wedding. 🙂
link to eBay gloves