The training at HQ went very well. We reviewed what I already knew, plus went over some new stuff, plus discussed stuff that previously had been kind of implied I SHOULD know how to do, but I didn’t really. ^^;; So I feel fully qualified to be the Language Center’s Kid’s Coordinator now. Which is the purpose of the QUALIFICATION training. XD

Someone had to cover my usual Tuesday kindergarten outservice.

My former SY co-worker also went to training. I’m surprised and pleased to see him again. ^^

After training from 10 AM to 3 PM, I walked to Harajuku to stop at the Oshaman’s sports store to get stretchy tape. I passed this store and…it might be meanm but I had to take a picture. ^^;; The clothing store’s name was “Eposide” and apparently it was closing, so there were sales. It was the ‘final episode.’

Here’s a picture of the Shibuya train station. One Piece, the anime/manga is big. Real big. It’s everywhere. I predict that it’s a phenomenon that’ll last as long as Dragon Ball Z has. New DBZ products are STILL coming out, even though that show was made over twenty years ago.

I have a lot on my mind right now. A LOT on my mind.

I’ve been trying to call my Dad all week, damnit, and now he’s at work out OUT. I’m staying up until I get to talk to him. 🙁