So on Monday I lifted weights pretty hard. Tuesday I woke up sore with my shoulders hurting, and other stuff. Kind of depressing. I knew I wouldn’t be able to lift for a while after that *sigh*
At work I started getting ready for my kindergarten class, but didn’t know if it was going to be the same kids as last semester or new kids. The school year in Japan is supposed to start in the spring.
Nobody confirmed with me. So I went ahead and prepared lesson 1 AND lesson 31, because I’m awesomely thorough like that.
Into the room trooped new tiny tots! SO CUTE OMG *Squeeeee* A manageable size of about ten, with two Japanese assistants. They were fantastic and by the end of the class, they could say, “My name is ….., what’s your name?” “Good morning” “Dice,” “car,” “tree.” and the hello song.
Okay, so that class left and I awaited the next class…. they burst into the scene and I saw familiar faces. It was the same class as last time!!!!! :O I scrambled to get out my other lesson’s materials, as they all tackled me and started fighting over who got to hold my hand. x_x;;;;
Anyway, good thing I’d prepped two lessons, like a pro. XD Just as the Kids Coordinator should. What a fantastic Kids Coordinator I am. (See, I went through a lot of stress to get to this point, so I’m going to brag and ring my own bell as much as humanly possible lol)
Kindergarten over, I had tea with my friend Kozo. We sat under the beautiful sakura trees outside the Lazona shopping plaza. I didn’t hit any lottery scratch tickets this time.
I got back to the office around 2 and was feeling pretty bad.
I delivered a workshop to other teachers, and at exactly 7 PM (I checked the clock) my body started convulsing in chills and started radiating heat. @_@; noooo…. I managed to teach my final lesson! Obviously I don’t want to make anybody ELSE sick, but I wasn’t coughing or sneezing or anything, so I hope I wasn’t spreading germs.
So I managed to teach my final lesson! It was amazing. My co-workers were asking me, “Are you okay? Take it easy!” (read that ‘don’t come near me..’)
So I went home and took my temperature. It was 101.7. ^^;;; I went straight to bed. Wednesday, woke up at 97.0, my normal temp. I had a meeting. :O After breakfast and moving around, it was 98.8. Noooo….I lay down and it went back down. So I WENT TO THE DAMN MEETING, totally force-yourself Japanese business person style. GO ME. X_X
I went back to my home-school, took my temperature (when nobody was looking) and it was normal. I did work from 4 to 7ish, then went home!
A good point is that my leg is healing. Once I recover from my cold, I’ll be able to train again
I Just have to try and not gain so much weight. lol I’m at 136 lbs now.
TODAY! My day off from work. I went to the One Piece art exhibition in Roppongi because I’d bought a non-refundable ticket. I don’t really feel sick other than a slight sore throat. weird. I don’t have any other symptoms.
Tomorrow I work from 3:30 to 7:45. I’m just going to relax before that.
The exhibition was okay, but I was a little disappointed. I think they could have displayed so much more stuff. There was lots of wall space with just NOTHING on it. I loved the colored pictures. And I think I saw a spoiler >< Which I knew there was a chance of, but I was trying to avoid them. Damnit I think I know somebody dies. ~_~:; But I'm not 100% sure...well. Hm.Anyway. I just finished ep 382 and Brook JUST joined the crew after the back story. Man, what a sad story! :O
I’m starting to feel restless. That means I’m healthy again. wtf x_x SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! *Franky pose* ^o^//