I had a really really great week!
I woke up on Monday feeling energetic, and just “on,” you know? I had my plans set, I was excited for them, and it turns out that I had a lot of success. My brain absorbed the info, my body produced results, for the most part. It was awesome! 😀 The previous week was a bit of a struggle. Just…various things stressed me out. I struggled with techniques, had a problem in my kids class I didn’t know how to resolve, etc, and I had a BUNCH of fight flash backs during training.
I’m hesitant to call it Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because I know people in the military have it far worse, but it was something to that effect. When someone is in a high stress situation and bad stuff happens, it stays with you and comes back in flashes. For example, a training partner was taking me down….I knew that if I hadn’t gotten taken down in my last fight, I might have won the decision and I might be UFC champion right now. So in that moment in training, I fought the takedown so hard, thinking “I’m gonna defend it!!!!!!!” but I got taken down. And internally started freaking out. My emotions shot back to the fight, and I was there, under the lights, when they announced the winner and my hand didn’t get raised. Crushing defeat swept over me. I had to go collect myself in the corner before I could roll again. Or when I had that armbar locked in on my training partner, in the same position during my last fight, and I was pulling on the grip, trying to break it…waBAM, I was suddenly back in the cage, with twenty seconds left! If I had armbarred her, I would be the champion right now, but I couldn’t get it. A tsunami of agony and sadness washed over me from the fight months ago. Or if I’m in guard and somebody starts lifting me off the ground, I freak the hell out because I’ve gotten KO-ed by slam TWICE.
As you can imagine, I drill the snot out of those techniques, and I’m pleased to say I am now way better at the arm bar from various positions. I’m harder to take down because I’ve been drilling defenses, and I never let myself get lifted anymore.
Thank goodness I still have a chin. I can’t imagine going into a fight knowing that I can get easily knocked out if a single punch lands…. These are fighter problems, guys. :/ I wonder what other fighters with a lot of experience have to deal with. These flash-backs of mine tend to fade with time. Or maybe that’s because I’ve fixed those problems. I mostly think about the negative instances in my most recent fights. A few weeks after the fight is the worst. I remember trying to hit mitts with John after fighting Sijara and really struggled to hold back tears, telling him “If she only hadn’t taken me down!” and I was afraid to throw a punch for a while.
SO that being said, that was two weeks ago but last week was amazing. Every Wednesday, Coach John teaches me a new wrestling technique for MMA that I specifically need, with Hannah as my partner, and I try hard all week to apply it.
This past Thursday I used it to take down someone I normally struggle to take down, and I was so happy! I also got a lot of, well, relatively a lot of gi training in. I can’t take classes anymore (which kills me).
I’ve been doing technique with Casey twice a week between mitt sessions and MMA class. This is in tune with the old saying, “Don’t find time, make time. ” I got to roll with youth trainer Rick after the big kids class, and he taught me a few things. I didn’t get neck cranked at all on Monday! 😀 YAY! He likes those. He got me with one on Wednesday and this armbar from the crucifix. He then taught me and then I got it on somebody in MMA sparring class on Thursday!
I was so psyched! I immediately texted him and was like…
My jiujitsu trainer Casey has also been spending a lot of time coaching me and watching me spar. I’ve been landing the stuff HE has been teaching me, too! A few times this week, I scampered over to his office after class, with crazy post-training hair, and reported success….
I also free rolled with some people for the first time in like two months and they all said I was twice as strong as the last time.
I better be stronger! I BETTER be freaking stronger! I’ve been working so hard at it and sacrificing other things for it. I’ve sacrificed my gi jiujitsu training. I’ve been meeting Lorenzo, my physical trainer, double what I normally do, making myself go to the Performance Institute, obsessing myself with making sure every day something is sore from working out but not TOO sore that I can’t function. If my legs aren’t sore, I make sure I do burpies or stairs that day. If my arms aren’t sure, I do something about it.
IT SUCKS. It’s not fun. I dislike physical training. Wrestling makes my neck and back hurt. I have to ice bath constantly. A fighter is pretty much uncomfortable for every day of their fighting lives. So to hear feedback that I was stronger and better was amazing. I pretty much was floating on the joy of the praise for a few days. However, even thought I know I’m stronger, it doesn’t mean I’ll be stronger than my opponent. I was never very strong or athletic to begin with, so maybe I’m just average now. I can’t worry about that, though. I can only do the best I can possibly do so I can fight my hardest and sleep well at night knowing I couldn’t have done any more.
OH OH OH So on Friday I had a session with Lorenzo and he had me flip a big tire…it was bigger and heavier than the last one and he said “you killed it!” I went up a tire size! YAY! It did make me a little tired, though.
hahaha get the pun?!?
I got to meet one of my sponsors, Bill and his family, who were visiting from Texas. They’re the ones who own the I.T. company My Consumer IT. They treated Serena and I to a delicious steak dinner. I really enjoyed getting to know them. Thank you for that, and for your support! 😀
Kids class is great. I taught them about sweeping. We just drilled the concept of hooks and sweeps. Artem always gets it fast!
My buddy and apartmentmate Serena finally has a fight set! April 14th in Great Falls, Montana, in Fusion Fight League!
She’s looking for sponsors, so usually a company or even a fan sends some cash and she prints a logo on her shorts or fight banner and does social media shout-outs. email serenasouthpaw@gmail.com for inquiries!
I finished watching the Transformer Prime series! I REALLY really liked it! I never watched the original Transformers (I was a girly girl at that age) but when I was a teenager and became a tomboy, I got REALLY into Beast Wars, and then Beast Machines. I think the following series was intended for younger audiences so I quit watching. Then I heard about Prime and got into it.
Dude, the battle between Predaking vs Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus was one of my most epic animated fight scenes I’ve ever seen! They used guns, swords, a hammer, an electrified whip, stalactites, other rocks, fists, and kicks!
My car, Lee, needs a new Exhaust Manifold. ;_; I got it diagnosed on Saturday but they had to order the part so I gotta bring it back Tuesday. >_<
I watched The Black Panther with The Reen today. It was pretty good!
So I really really want to fight but I keep being told I'll get an offer "soon." This is the life of a fighter. I don't get to control when I fight. I dieted down to a weight where I can take a fight on a week's notice, and I'm in decent enough cardio shape for it, too.