Cornering Jeslen, strength training, JoJo’s upcoming fight
Strength training. I’ve always done sports, but I’ve never been naturally athletic. I never enjoyed or was successful at lifting weights. I always did martial arts classes but never physical training, and if I tried, didn’t have results. When I first started fighting, people called us fighters. Now, people call us athletes. Athletes? Huh, that’s interesting. I’m not an athlete! Nowadays fighters train and behave a lot like athletes. They have to. But my strength is NOT strength. That doesn’t mean I can’t get stronger. John told me to do more physical training but I needed guidance. My body just did NOT put on muscle easily! I put on fat easily, though. What the heck! Then, I found Lorenzo Pavlica.

(pic Invicta 10 weigh-ins, 2014 vs Andrea Lee)
Four years later…

I just want to win my fights. I hate losing despite having good technique because I got out-muscled. Lorenzo has really helped me see great results that have helped me in fights. I still laugh when he calls me an athlete. I don’t enjoy physical training, but I’m very motivated by him. The way he’s all business, is goal-oriented, and gets stuff done reminds me of my dad. I’m very motivated by strong male authority figures, probably because I adore my dad. ^^

By the way, I don’t enjoy striking arts but I enjoy training with John. Again, strong male authority figure. He’s SUCH a good coach and I can trust him to know exactly what needs to be added to my skills and training to make me a better fighter.
So yeah. These past few weeks I’ve been traveling and then caught a cold so my cardio sucks right now, but I’ve been doing a lot of strength training. Lorenzo said his goal is to make me stronger by my next fight, whenever that is.
Last weekend, I traveled to Sacramento to corner my new friends and training partner Jeslen Michelle for her third MMA amateur fight in The Panda Cup! She did great! Her opponent was a skilled jiujitsu practitioner and Jeslen foiled her attempts well.

They scolded me and told me I wasn’t allowed to take pictures. I was occasionally non-compliant. XD Jeslen fought well, backing her opponent up with strikes, and then when the opponent tried to clinch and drive Jeslen into the case, Jeslen reversed it. Nobody can hold a Syndicate fighter on the cage! 🙂 We train it a lot! yeah! Jeslen eventually got the take-down and showed a jiujitsu practitioner that being on the bottom isn’t cool. The girl almost got Jeslen in a knee bar, and Jeslen DID NOT PULL HER LEG OUT, like I was screaming for 2 minutes to do. PRIORITY!! That’s an inside joke with us now. *_*
Whatever, Jeslen won and got a promotional belt! HOW COOL! Dang. She worked hard for that, in training leading up to it, and in the fight. She cut weight like a pro, was gracious and humble, and a hard-worker. I was impressed with everything surrounding her and the fight. Good job, my friend!

photo by Shannon Newton

It was my first time flying solo as a cornerwoman. I cornered Serena with Jamie once, and assisted John in Serena and JoJo’s corner. When I tried putting Vaseline on Serena, it stuck to my pointer finger, so I smoothed it with my middle finger, but it stuck to that, too. I used my ring finger to get more for the next eyebrow but it globbed on, and before I knew it, I used my pinkie and my entire hand was all covered in Vaseline. THIS TIME I did way better. Hahaha I got like three people’s advice before I attempted it again.

Next up is JoJo!

We always help each other train, so that will be fun/business as usual. I’m also honored that she asked me to go help John corner her and support her in Brooklyn! 😀
I miss Serena. She has surgery about two weeks ago, and I’m thrilled that she can move that body part around now somewhat! 😀 I was really worried about her – not that it wouldn’t get better, but just as a friend- but trying not to let on. ^^;;; I miss training with herrrrrrrrrrr. I know she’s dying to get back. It’s nice to have her teaching kids again, Muay Thai for now.
AND NOW my friend from The Ultimate Fighter 26 Ariel Beck is here to train for a week! She’ll be staying with me! Since she was on the opposite team, Team Alvarez to my Team Gaethje, we never actually trained together before hahaha.
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