Serena’s victory, I went to Montana, new fights
So two weeks ago my best friend Serena fought for Fusion Fight League in Montana against Elizabeth Phillips and won by unanimous decision! I’m so proud of her! It was truly an awesome battle. She performed to her full potential and beyond!

I was so impressed. Phillips is no joke. Former UFC fighter, she’s tough, skilled and scrappy.

It was a pleasure being part of Fusion Fight League again. I had fought for them just before I got into the UFC, actually! I will be doing a grappling superfight with them sometime soon, so you guys’ll get to see me fight. I’m so happy!
It was our first time in Helena and I went to a museum where I learned a lot about the natives.

Our friend and reporter extraordinaire Marq and his family were so nice to us, and took us sightseeing after the fight. They also drove us hours to and from the airport. We are lucky.
Soooo Serena told me on the plane over, “This girl Sydney is going to wrap my hands.” I’m like, “Who?”
Serena said she’s good at wrapping hands. Alright. It turns out she was super nice and even helped us during Serena’s weight cut. I tried to look out for her a bit since she didn’t have a coach or teammate or anybody coming with her!! We made friends! Serena volunteered her coach Marv to corner her. I was like….. do you also want ME to corner you? She said yes, so we both did!! And she did great and won! It was cool to be a part of that amazing experience for her!

Sydney “Sundance” Smith! Congrats!

Personal life is amazing. I love my life living with Chris, my boyfriend.

We drove up to Mt. Charleston and he took me around where he and Gangis liked to hang out before he moved east.
I’ve gotten very attached to his dog Gangis. (pronounced Genghis). We had to take him to the vet the other day because his eye was swelling. I went with Chris as moral support, but when they took him into the back room without us, it was I who needed moral support. I ended up crying. lol *facepalm* It was like, “Hey, where are you going with my baby? I mean his baby?” x_x;

Yesterday I had to take him out at 2 AM. (that means carry his large butt down the stairs). I was upset the first time it happened, but now I’m just like, “Parent training I guess.” *shrug* If I ever have a kid, I’ll be ready. Practice is important!
Lately, I’ve been watching the new Loki series. He’s one of my favorite characters. Also, rewatching Dragon Ball Super and Attack on Titan with Chris is fun. I haven’t had a lot of time lately just to myself but sometimes I watch Dr. Stone season 3. I finished my Robert J Sawyer book “Golden Fleece” and it’s actually my least favorite out of all his book. He’s still my favorite author, though. He writes nifty sci-fi books that always have REALLY cool and interesting twists.
Sooo my knee is wonderful and I got another fight offer! It hasn’t gotten leaked or announced so I guess I shouldn’t mention details. I’m happy that I’ll have enough time to get back into shape. Chris also has a fight set before mine in Fusion Fight League, so I’m trying to be supportive. I hope you guys can help support by buying the PPV when it comes out, for him and me! I think it’s only like $15 or ballpark that.
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