My knee is healed! Onward!
My knee feels fantastic! My therapists at the UFC Performance Institute Heather and Tera are giving me harder and harder exercises that I have no problem performing. For example, a week and a half ago, hopping on my bad foot felt uncomfortable but now it’s totally fine. I can lift heavy things, pivot on it to kick, do wrestling shots across the mat, and FINALLY finally kneel and sit back on my heals with equal weight on both legs. That took a while.
I’m really excited. I can train again! This Saturday I did open mat full-power. I love being able to train with my boyfriend Chris again. I packed his clothes and this is what happened: we matched Star Wars! I’m Data and he’s Picard. lol

I got an offer to do a grappling super fight. I’m super out of shape and I wanna make sure I do right by the UFC and get their fight set first since I had to cancel my bout last time. Last week was kind of rough and hard on my pride to feel so weak. Oh well. My goal is to get my strength back in a month. My total recovery time from meniscus surgery was seven full weeks – exactly as predicted! Well they said six weeks I’d be back in the gym, and I was, being careful. Now I don’t have to be careful anymore. My goals during my down-time were to write a lot of my third book, watch a lot of anime, and learn more piano. I wrote a good amount although it could have been more, memorized one song and learned a bit more, and watched SOME anime.
I cooked a few new things, too!
Chicken Pot Pie, chicken cordon bleu, enchiladas version 2.0, and something else I forget.

Oh my, I haven’t updated for a while. In May, we coached kids at the NAGA jiujitsu tournament! Everyone tried hard! Some kids won, some lost, but I’m so proud of all of them.

I promoted some students! So happy for them!

Chris’ mom and step father came to visit and we hosted them! It was super nice! We went to Red Rock, the Neon Sign museum, our favorite restaurants, and more! What a pleasure to meet them and spend quality time.
The week before my friend Celia came and visited from California! I had a blast with her – Natural History Museum, Fiesta Mexicana, and just chillaxing.

My best friend Serena is fighting this coming weekend in Helena Montana in Fusion Fight League! I’m going to corner her! I believe there’s an online PPV. Check out their Facebook page.

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