about an up-coming or past fight of mine or a friend

training! TUF 18 premier!

On Wednesday, I was in so much pain and so sore from the previous day’s training, that I took the day off. From training, not from life. I went and shopped for a cell phone! The store clerks told me I couldn’t use my current iPhone 4 because they couldn’t unlock it. WTF, I had GONE to a Softbank store in Japan and asked them to do it, and they insisted that they couldn’t. I had to do it in the US. And they can’t in the US. I’m so freaking mad.

So I bought an LG. That’s an android. I don’t really like it. 🙁 But it was $170, and an iphone 5 would have been in the upper $500s. And Roxy doesn’t have a job. 🙁 booo.

So I did that. Then my Anna, my new friend, and we went shopping at the Goodwill. I bought various useful things for my place.She took me to TACO BELL! OMG I freaking LOVE Taco Bell! It’s been soooo long, because they don’t have Taco Bell in Japan. Yo quiero Taco Bell! 😀

Went home, and tried to figure out how I was going to watch The Ultimate Fighter Premier that I was on….my TV doesn’t get that channel, and I was having trouble finding sports bars. < Then Amanda and Jason invited me over! 😀 THANK YOU SO MUCH! I had such a nice evening! As you may know, I won by rear naked choke. 🙂 And then got like 300+ new followers on twitter, which was SO cool. And my family emailed me and said they had gathered at my aunt's house to watch. And other fans and friends were proud of me. I'm so happy. ;_; Thank you so much for your support and love. It really means so much to me. <3 One of the best things about being an MMA fighter is that I can meet so many people! I hope anything I do can inspire somebody or encourage somebody! On the forums I was called a "nerdy awkward Japanese white girl." HAHAHA cracks me up so much. XD I love mma.tv! F the UG! 😀 😀 😀 Yes. So Thursday I went to morning BJJ at Drysdale's. HEAVEN. BJJ is my favorite thing ever. I could just quit MMA and do BJJ every day twice a day. Someday, but not yet! 🙂 But it was like back to my roots! I worked with two brown belts! The quality level there is quite amazing. I met a bunch of new girls! After that, I dragged myself to a car dealership and looked at cars. x_x so tired. Then went home, only to go back to Drysdale's to observe the night class...only the instructor wasn't there, so I didn't get to see anything. rar But I made a friend. 😀 Friends!!!!! Today I really want to go to pro training...wrestling....but actually, I have to go car shopping, and apartment hunting. When I do pro training, I want to go home and curl up and die. Like after I did BJJ for 2 and a half hours, I could barely focus on the cars for an hour. So I guess I should skip it. ;_; I'm gonna go and watch a bit, and then hit up the Toyota place. I feel like I'm slacking off in training, but I just moved here and I'm not settled yet. ~_~ This morning I walked to an apartment complex near where I am now. I ran into my neighbor and he told me it was dangerous and I should stay far away. But I chatted with people at the new complex and they all said it wasn't bad. x_o wtf ropxy winning shrunk
roxy fighting val
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roxy icon

team tate