about an up-coming or past fight of mine or a friend

busy productive day: training and mentoring

This morning, I got stuff done online, and then trained with Kunioku-san from noon.  It was really good- we watched Rosi’s fights and made game plans and stuff, and then trained pretty hard.

Because of his availability, I cut it a little close, and was running to make it to work.  I gave myself 25 minutes of prep time for my kids lessons, which is kinda meh…30+ is safe. It takes 10 if I’ve taught it before, but this was new.  And the lesson plan was “acting/actress/theater/ to act/puppet/puppeteer/string puppets/finger puppets” etc.  And the picture was of a puppet show. Uh, NOT RELATED, wtf @_@  The puppeteers aren’t acting, they’re opperating the puppets, and the kids can’t say that.  So the lesson went okay…I kind if improvised. They had to draw their own puppets. Too much yelling because I let them use toy puppets, and of course, they felt it was necessary to attack me and smash them into the table.

But I was rushing around, slightly disorganized in front of the new teacher, who I suddenly found in front of me, smiling cheerily:  “Hi! I’m Anastasia!  You’re my mentor!”

I am?  SWEET!!!!! 😀  She sat in one of my teenage-group lessons, which went smoothly, thank goodness, so I got to look good. *wink*  I love her already, and think she’ll be a great teacher and will make a great addition to our family here in SY.  ^^  Ganbarou ne!

I was thinking about going back to the gym to lift some weights with my lower body, but instead I helped her prepare for lessons tomorrow.  I’m pretty sore so it’s actually better that I didn’t go.  Yay thanks.

Tomorrow I have a nice schedule.  I get my fav. kids group!

Anastasia and I

Anastasia and I