entries about training

Japan trip – post- UFC – Sunday & Monday

The week after the UFC – Sunday and Monday 9/21/14

On Sunday the 21st, I had one duty left with the UFC: make sure Rin Nakai and her trainer caught the bus to take them to the airport at 11:30. In the morning I worked out in the exercise room, and then did that. My last lunch with Brittany was a little sad….our last one! We’d been eating together every single day!

Then I went and had lunch with my friends Lauren and Ryuji, who I actually met online who lived in Japan! We had Okonomiyake in Shinjuku!
okonomiyaki and lauren and ryuji

roxy cook it yourself

Then, I lugged all my heavy bags (heavier now having bought stuff) to Kawasaki, and took a taxi to my hotel. It was a business hotel – cheap! About $50 a night! – and had a mini fridge and even kitchen sink! AND A COIN LAUNDRY ON THE FIRST FLOOR. Omg yay. Wifi only in the lobby, which kept going out. Annoying but better than nothing.

In the evening, I trekked to Fukuzushi, where my good friend Kozo Tsuruoka works! He cooks the BEST JAPANESE FOOD EVER!! 😀 omg.
tsuru fishies

tsuru ice cream

So nice to see him again! We gotta start finding the time to skype. :{ I miss him.

On Monday, I did morning pro training at my old gym Groundslam! It’s been one full year since I’ve gone there, and I know I’ve improved a lot! My balance, my technique, my everything. So happy. It was so nice to spar with the guys again.

groundslam goofballs
Oh, those goofballs. Omigawa-san, Mamoru-san, Katsumura-san,

In the afternoon, I went to the Kawasaki Daishi Temple with Goto-san, my good friend, former training partner, who I also call my “Japanese Uncle” because he treats me like a little niece sometimes. Haha.
goto daishi

Dude, lady who took our picture, we want the PAGODA In the background, not the gravel. Lol

We visited my favorite sembei shop! 😀 The owner knows me well and we talked about my recent fight and stuff. Love them. They gave me free rice crackers. XD but I bought lots of stuff as well.

daishi sembei shop

Then we had dinner together at a Japanese restaurant! Such a nice day! …