On Sunday, I hung out with my mom a lot. We went grocery shopping (oh joy, her favorite activity lol) but also visited this “starving artists” exhibit in the Palace Station hotel, which I know all about, having lived there for two weeks for TUF. lol
oh maaaaaaaaaaaan, I wanted to buy this painting so bad, but it was large, and like $60. ;_; I think they sold out of the smaller ones.
Maybe if I had won FIGHT OF THE NIGHT…. *sigh* oh well.
I took a picture, which I’m sure is completely illegal, and now it’s my iphone’s backdrop. Isn’t it pretty?
On Monday, I trained with Brittany a bit before class, then had a great private lesson with John, and then great MMA team practice.
I’ve spent my entire MMA career in a country with group coaching, struggling for attention, so I’m thrilled someone gives a crap whether or not I show up to practice. I’m blessed to have people who offer to come in early to train and drill with me. And I’m happy to help other people learn.
After lunch I did chores, wrote some of my new book, and was very productive in general.
Earlier Monday morning, I suddenly found out that a father of a student of mine gave me two tickets to a Blueman concert! I turned to the first friend in the vicinity, who happened to be Brittany – and invited her. We went together!
The whole thing was really random. I randomly got tickets, and the show was really a random kind of show. lol
So exciting. I LOVED it! I laughed SO hard when they took that lady from the audience and forced her to eat Twinkies. XD
On Tuesday, I was so excited for sparring class. Unfortunately I felt crappy and unwell, and took the rest of the day off. That really sucked. -_- grrr. I feel better today, though.
I spent the evening finishing the TV series “Flash Forward.” Man, I love that series so much! Too bad it got canceled before the second season could air. 🙁 I read the book so I can just accept the ending of the book, but man. I wanted to know what happened to the TV characters. I think the actors are also really good.
Today, I woke up feeling exhausted but not bad like yesterday. Did a private lesson, learned a new punch I will lovingly call “POW” until we come up with a better name, then hung out with Heather.
Then taught a kids class.
I tried to teach arm drags, but ….FIRST OF ALL, it took then like TEN MINUTES to get into a straight line. omggggg When I was teaching my Japanese preschoolers, all I had to do was shout “Okay, make a line!” They would rush, and under 10 seconds, they’d all be standing in a straight line. I had to not just point, but literally grab my American kids today and place in them in a line, which they wandered out of, so by the time I was finished, the first pair were all off to once side, playing on the cage. X_X;;
Maybe 50% of them got it. :/ I was glad at least Rhyanna and Christian and Tommy got it, because they’re upper belts and will be competing soon. Ah well. I took a chance to teach it.
I did some leg and core conditioning stuff.
THEN I went home, ate, went back to the gym for my chiropractic appointment with Jake Steckel . I waited and waited and then….realized that my appointment was for Thursday. GOSH DARNIT >_< Rrrrrrr! My mistake. ;_; I need his magic......
So I decided to go ahead and spend that Macy's gift card I got from a friend. I drove to a mall, and found this nice shirt! 😀 I never buy nice clothes for myself. I don't really go out..... I have like 3 nice tops that don't look like my mother lent them to me. Now I have four. hahaha
I noticed Macy’s was attached to a mall, so I walked around a bit. I happened to be walking by Hot Topic with a box of T shirts that said “BIG SALE.”
I do NOT need more T shirts…but…you never know what jewels Hot Topic will hold. Like that DBZ T shirt that says “Just saiyan!”
I found this Power Ranger’s Dragonzord shirt in Extra small! Too small! DAMNIT. ;.; But then the staff lady helped me find a medium, and it was only $9.99……
;_; Oh yeah. That sucker went home with me.
😀 I mean, my UFC entrance music was the Power Rangers for goodness sakes!
I can’t wait to wear it tomorrow!
😀 😀 😀
That seriously made me laugh out loud. In the almost-deserted mall corridor. XD hahahaha The best part is……I do this…… I’m not even lying.