Heya heya! It’s been over a week since I last wrote. I haven’t really been inspired to write anything lately. When I get stressed out, I tend not to write. ^_^;; *laugh* I train, go home, zonk out to watch anime, and fall asleep.
Fight prep is going splendidly. As I hope you know by now, I’m fighting in Invicta 8! In Kansas City, Mo! Watch on UFC Fight pass! Or a friend’s Fightpass. Or fly out there. I’m leaving on Wednesday.
Well, last week I tweeked two things and I was heavier than I had wanted to be, and I was freaking out. But now I feel super healthy and I dropped a few pounds, so I’m happy again.
omg x_x;;
Well, I wrote three, no, four articles for mmasucka.com! Please read them after my entry because I worked really hard translating Kanehara’s and Tamada-san’s, and then collecting interviews from my fellow fighters!
I used to train at the AACC in Japan, with Megumi Fujii and Yasuko Tamada, who is headlining Invicta: http://mmasucka.com/2014/08/13/yasuko-tamada-prepared-face-hardest-fight-date-invicta-fc-8/
I had switched gyms to Groundslam, where I trained with Masanori Kanehara, who will debut in the UFC on Sept. 20th: http://mmasucka.com/2014/08/28/stage-dreams-masanori-kanehara-takes-alex-caceres-ufc-japan/
aaaaaand this one just came out! I interviewed Michelle Ould, Tonya Evinger, and Jodie Esquibel.
AND I interviewed Rin Nakai, but that hasn’t come out yet.
Last Saturday, assistant coach John Heath instructed me, Fanny, Jamie and Liz on wrestling stuff. It was SUPER HELPFUL. I feel like I’ve learned SO much from coach John Wood already, that little questions I got answered this day were like icing on the cake. I’m super confident now.
Thanks, John!
Heather gave me this rash guard. I love it because it says “Hakai” in Japanese, which means “destruction.” XD
oh did I mention Vinny promoted me one stripe on my purple belt? I mean, I’ve been grappling for like 15 years, but I haven’t put on the gi so much since I started MMA. :/ So I didn’t really expect to be promoted, but it’s nice that I’m one step closer to my goal (of black belt).
My bestie HEATHER CLARK came out of the TUF house! 😀 We’ve been hanging out a bit! and with Miesha, too! 😀 <3
I like going to the Alehouse at Town Square and watch fights there. 🙂 This past Saturday I hung out with my friend Perry, Bootsy, Liz and John H. 😀
Anime-wise, I had started GTO, ironically on the same day kids went back to school in Vegas.
Watching that show (about a retired thug trying to become a middle/high school teacher) makes me feel nostalgic and yearn to go back to an academic setting. Then I remind myself how crappy the salary is compared to the level of stress and effort I inevitably put into it. -_-; and how many hours of unpaid overtime I used to do, because I wanted needed to do a good job?
Then I stumbled upon Mushishi, “The Bugmaster.” I love it!
It’s not action – it’s like mystical creatures and folk-tales. The main character is cool. I like him. And I found the live-action movie and the MAIN ACTOR IS ODAGIRI JO! He’s kind of hot. *_* I saw him in the live-action “Basilisk.” Ironic how I hardly ever watch live-action movies and the two I decide to watch have my favorite actor. XD
And I’m also getting back into Heroes season 3. Yeah, as most people said, it’s getting super weird and the writers are REALLY stretching the plot. x_x But I like it.
Don’t forget to check out my articles I mentioned above! 😀