It’s been a busy, unusual week!
Amanda Bell has been visiting for the week. I first met her at an Invicta a number of years ago, and became friendly acquaintances. Keep an eye out for her fighting in Bellator!
We had this special moment together after we both lost our fights…. I had just fought Vanessa Porto in Invicta 12, in 2015, one of my toughest losses. My face has never gotten so swollen. I was so angry that my mom (who I was living with that the time) had to look at her daughter like that. I posted this picture and wrote “It’s so important to keep smiling no matter what.”
We followed each other on social media and kept running into each other at events. We talked about training together some day, and we finally made it happen. It’s been great not only training, but hanging out, and getting to know her more.
Last Sunday, actually, after my yoga and massage session, after I came out of the grocery store, my car wouldn’t start! 🙁 I used AAA to tow Lee to American Auto and Tire, one of the only autobody shops in Vegas open on a Sunday. (Thanks, friendly skateboard tow truck dude for stopping by my apartment first so I could drop off my groceries. ><
Instead of seeing Black Panther with Serena, I sat in the repair shop all afternoon and paid $500 to get my starter replaced. :/ Oh well. I stopped to get food on the way home because I was starving. The staff seemed rushed and understaffed, but I was impressed how the cashier kept his cool and was always polite.
Unfortunately, I think they rushed cooking the chicken because I got indigestion that evening.
We picked up Amanda at the airport that night!
Then we took her to Skinnyfats, one of our favorite restaurants.
Monday, I had my usual mitt session with John and felt kind of crappy. Throughout MMA practice, I felt gradually worse and worse but forced myself to finish, realizing near the end that I had food poisoning. By the time I got home, I was down and out with a fever. 🙁
I couldn’t get coverage for my kids class, so I dragged myself to the gym and did the best I could with Serena for the 4:00 class. Rick couldn’t teach his 5:00 class, so I actually got Amanda to teach because she has experience teaching kids classes! There were only 4 kids because of the holiday, but that’s even harder! This is me laying down while she was teaching in the other room. ;_; Thank you so much, Amanda.
Tuesday I didn’t have a bad fever but still felt horrible, so I dropped Amanda off to train and then went home and slept. It sucked for me. 🙁 I’m glad she still got good training! I tried to watch movies but kept falling asleep and got a headache. Oh well, at least it wasn’t an injury. I felt a little better by the afternoon and even better by evening, so I wanted to at least take a walk.
I took Amanda to the Orleans Casino to play DDR, only to find they replaced it with that Korean machine with the dumb diagonal arrows! I don’t like it as much. :/
We played that, Mario Kart, and Transformers Prime!
We eventually got buzz sawed to death by Starscream? x_x
I then showed Amanda around the Luxor because she casually mentioned being interested in it. 😀 From there, we “found” the Las Vegas Sock Market and she bought me a gift of socks. XD
I ADORE SOCKS!!!!!! But I don’t need anymore, so please don’t send me anymore…. I have over 250 pairs by now, probably! 😀 I should do another fan guessing game with prizes. haha
So I found these Trump quote socks!
And posted on Instagram, “Haha funny socks.” Oh boy, I got people saying “F*ck Trump!” “Roxy’s being negative, I’m so disappointed in her” “I’m going to unfollow you.” etc
Come on, guys! You CAN’T SAY those socks didn’t make you smile. 🙂
I’m always so sensitive about controversial topics, I tried not to write anything inflammatory. I just posted “FUNNY SOCKS. HAHA.” I didn’t say ANYTHING political. I didn’t vote for Trump, but I certainly don’t wish him ill. I’m not going to make fun of him, but I will certainly laugh at something funny. *shrug* Geez. These socks crack me up every time I look at them. Just smile!
We watched the Fullmetal Alchemist live action movie on Netflix! It was really good! They did a great job stuffing the basic contents of 38 episodes into 3 hours. I thought the casting, acting, and effects were really really fantastic!! Roy was as bad-@$$ as he was in the manga! (okay I just got distracted for 10 minutes looking at pics online XD)
Anyway, Wednsday I was back to normal. Thanks, Amanda, for helping me with my wrestling session. Then I did the grappling class, then I did strength and conditioning with Lorenzo. It was actually a mentally and emotionally exhausting day for various reasons.
Kids classes were good.
Thursday my body was hurting in unusual places from the physical training, but I got through sparring. I didn’t get to do certain techniques I wanted to, but I did some others from previous sessions I had been working. So… 🙂 next time!
We dragged ourselves to the UFC Performance Institute afterwards and I got us in to use the cold plunge and hot tub for recovery.
Do you see how I skillfully used camera angles and overlapping to hide the fact that none of us are on weight and ready for bikini season yet? XD
Then, I went to pick up my lunch box in the cafeteria. When I came back, my friends were GONE. I opened the steam room to check it and WHOOSH.
More blind than usual.
Friday, we kind of took it easy and did yoga and cardio. I taught kids.
Today is our last day together! For now!
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