about an up-coming or past fight of mine or a friend

showing Miesha and Bryan around Tokyo with Bri!

Monday morning I met Miesha in her hotel in Shinjuku and took her to my dojo, Groundslam, for morning training! It was ridiculously fun! I was really worried about my injury, because I really wanted to train and spar, but the doc told me no hard sparring… but anyway, we sparred not super hard, and I was fine. NO PAIN!!!!! 😀 😀 😀
SO HAPPY and excited about that. I enjoyed sparring with Miesha! I dropped from 135 to 125 so I’ll probably never fight her, so I can relax and not get all ‘rivalry.’ I have to make sure I don’t get too excited and over-do it, but I hope I can get back on my path to working to get fight-ready!

I was really impressed with her wrestling and accuracy of punches. And she tried to flying scissor sweep Omigawa. I think he avoided but, but nice try. That was cool to watch.
(click on all pics to enlarge)

after training miesha buri

Brittany came, too, and we had a great time sparring.

group pic miesha

Group pic at Groundslam!

buri miesha taiyaki

After a quick Taiyaki snack (fish-shaped waffle with custard cream inside), we met Bryan and went sight-seeing together.

roxy buri miesha kaminarimonn

First stop Asakusa and the lightening gate! Then Sensoji temple!

Then we made a quick stop in Akihabara but only got as far as Yodobashi camera.

Finally, we went back to Shinjuku where we went to the Inoki Sakaba, a restaurant owned by Antonio Inoki, the famous pro wrestler.

inoki w buri and miesha

That restaurant is awesome
roxy and misha vs bri

bryan miesha roxyburi inokisakaba

We ordered some crazy food, including onion rings on a….spear? Shishkabob on a sword, suspect Gnocci, pizza, ribs! OMG excellent.

sword shishkabob

miesha sword

So Bryan Caraway fought in the UFC on Sunday against one of my training partners Mizugaki-san, so I was wondering if it’d be weird. But I was SO impressed by their fight. I became a huge fan of Bryan’s now *_*. I’m gonna go watch his previous fights now. And he’s a super nice guy, and it was soooo cool hanging out with and Miesha. We’ve been friends on Twitter and Facebook, but it was the first time for us to meet, also. I love her. 😀

We were so tired by the end of the day- we’d all had an action-packed weekend. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to get to bed. I’m also going to hang out with them today (Tuesday), also.…