about an up-coming or past fight of mine or a friend

Craziness! moving done, Serena & team’s fight, training!

Craaaazy two weeks!

So on Wednesday morning I woke up earlier than usual to take my mom to the airport. ;_; Sad! I barely had time to feel any feelings since I had so much on my list of things to do.

I had my pad session with John and learned awesome stuff, then Teri massage, packed a bit, and taught kids. Then I guided Serena to cut weight. I told Serena to jump rope and hit the bag. I was worried she wasn’t wearing enough clothes to make her sweat. She didn’t weigh herself before she started and I forgot to tell her, so I’m not sure how much she sweat. Finally after an hour, she weighed herself and was 139 lbs. Okay. The goal was to go to bed no more than 5 pounds away from her target weight, which was 135.

I asked her if she wanted to go to the Scooters bar to watch TUF with the team, or my house and she chose Scooters. I got to order a dessert so I don’t mind. haha I dropped her off, got home, and after that and pretty much went to bed by 10. Thursday I was packing and doing last minute stuff, then went to training and did technique and two hard rounds of sparring with Hannah before I cut out at 12:30 to help Serena cut weight. I made the hot bath, put in the salt, adjusted the temperature to make sure she sweat, helped her in and out of the tub, etc. That went alright except her scale was a pound lighter than my scale, and she chose to trust her scale instead of mine. Mine is the same as the gym scale – just saying. -_-; so after a few hours she made weight. It wasn’t easy, but we she was a trooper and suffered through 3 hot salt baths and made 135….on her scale. Her mom, we nicknamed “Mamarena” (Serena’s Mama), was there for moral support.

I drove us to Hooters Casino where the weigh ins were and we hung out there she did her thing.
serena weigh in collage
serena tuffnuffface off
She weighed in at 135.2….which means that MY scale was correct and she had gotten out of the bath at 136 and floated 0.8 lbs in those 3 hours. :/ But the commission allows a pound leeway, so she can legally weigh in up to 135.9. I take the pound all the time when I fight – nothing wrong with it.

I drove them to a Pho place! It was good. I had already eaten something but I ate again. u_U
I dropped Serena and Mamarena off home and hung around a bit to hang out with Rob, Tonya, and Vanessa, who came over to visit.

Went home at 10 PM too full to sleep so I packed….moved all my boxes into the living room. Heavy Labor FTW! ;_; Just my last minute stuff odds and ends left.

Bed. Woke up Friday at 4 Am as usual. Pack pack pack pack. Met Hannah, my new apartment-mate, (aka close friend and training partner) and got the key to the new place! She helped me load up my car with boxes and stuff and we made two or three trips back and forth up and down the stairs. Up and down.
stairs i hate

Then we went to the gym and did the MMA class from 11:30 until 12:30-ish, when we had to leave and go get the U-Haul. I was really enjoying that class especially and sad I couldn’t finish it *sigh*

Hannah had offered to help me get the U-haul but at first last week I had turned her down….it didn’t occur to me that I NEEDED her to drive it back while I drove my car back. LOL yeah so we arrived at the U-Haul place. Two and a half weeks ago, I had called and reserved a 10-foot truck for 48 hours, Friday at 1 PM to Sunday at 1 PM. A week before my move, a staff lady called and said to me, “We’d like to offer you a van instead. It’s almost as big and the mileage is cheaper.” I replied, “No, thanks. I want the truck. I have a 7-foot couch.” She said, “The reason is that we have a waiting list for families.” Why should I care about any other families? If they wanted a truck, they should have planned ahead and made a reservation. “No, I want the truck, please,” I said. “Okay,” she had said.

So Hannah and I showed up at the U-Haul office and the staff behind the desk said, “Okay, Modafferi? So you have a van from 1 PM to 5 PM.”

“Um, no,” I said and explained everything I just wrote above.
“Sorry, we don’t have a truck available,” the lady said, and did not look sorry at all. She looked like she wanted me to take the van keys and get the hell out.
“But I made a reservation!” I protested. “What good is making a reservation if you don’t reserve the vehicle? LOOK, HERE IS THE EMAIL CONFIRMATION stating two days , 10 foot truck.”
She looked. “That is only your request. Someone calls later and actually schedules it. And I have no way to know what was said on the phone.”

HOW CONVENIENT. “I JUST TOLD YOU WAS WAS SAID.” I was so mad. I usually don’t say very aggressive things like that. Okay okay calm down. What chapter in my Positivity book is this? Look on the bright side and do the best you can do in your situation?
“Alright, so the bottom line is there’s no truck. I’ll take the van. And I would like a discount for my inconvenience.”
“Oh we can’t do that.”
I looked at her name tag. It said “Manager on it.”

wtf picard-wtf-meme-generator-wtf-who-the-hell-hired-these-incompetent-people-9b9eaf

Obviously she wasn’t going to back down, and obviously didn’t have the power to do anything. I could tell. So I decided to blast the company on social media and get it handled later.
van from uhal

We had a time crunch! Only a few hours to pack up what we could and then go to Tuff-N-Uff to support Serena and our teammates. meeting time was 4:45. It was 1:30.

“Okay, we’ll take the van,” I said. She had us sign the paperwork and gave us the keys.
“So go on outside and Doug will help you with a walk-around.”

Okay so Hannah and I got outside and saw……not much. Various vans. Nobody. Which was our van? Where was Doug? After waiting for a few minutes, I was seriously punchy from exhaustion and stifling my anger, so I started shouting, “Doug? EXCUSE ME, DOUG? Is there a DOUG? WHERE ARE YOU, DOUG?” and then I started giggling insanely. 😀 😀

madness insane

This nice young dark-skinned fellow comes out and says, “I’m not Doug but I’ll help you! I don’t know any Doug.”

OH GREAT, the lady assigned me to an employee who doesn’t work there?! So the nice guy WhoWasNotDoug helped us examine the van, and we drove it away. “Thanks, Doug!” I said to NotDoug. 😀 We were all laughing. He was super nice.

Drove back, moved boxes from old apt to new one. Up and down stairs. up and down and up and down and up and down.


Then met Serena and team at the Cox Pavillion and did the rules meeting and hung out! The whole hanging out for 5 hours was painful. Waiting is the worst part. John and Tom and Mike Pyle came up to coach and support. Serena listened to music a lot and tried to stay calm.

Enzo fought first and won quickly in the first round by rear naked choke. It was slick and beautiful! Then we were finally up at 10 PM (omg) and Serena put on a great performance!
serena won tuffnuff
Her striking was on point, cage control was BEAUTIFUL and just like we practiced! John taught us that well. And the girl tried to clinch and throw Serena, but she and I had drilled dropping weight and defending the Judo throws, so she got out. BEAUTIFULLY. Such great growth. I can’t say I’m proud of her enough. 😀
serena and roxy tuffnuff
Corey won his fight by guillotine. So impressed with Corey, too! So happy he’s winning and getting stronger and stronger! He’s one of my favorite people to chat with in the gym. 🙂

I wanted to sleep but went out to dinner with everybody else. After all, despite my inability to recover from lack of sleep for a few days, everybody stays up late with me when I fight, and I don’t often get to see my friends from out of town, so I tried to suck it up and be positive. It was so nice to see everybody and revel in Serena’s joy that was seeping out of her like sunlight. So proud of her.

Saturday I woke up (I slept in until 5!!) and it was raining!! ;_; I moved the other half of my things into the moving van and to the new place. up and down the stairs.

Then I went to the gym and sparred kickboxing for 45 minutes before I collapsed from exhaustion.
saturday sparring april 30-2
I landed some good stuff so I’m happy with my technique!
but I gassed out. WTF I haven’t missed a day of training, I’m doing hard labor, so it’s not fair my cardio went down!! I gain cardio by running stairs or doing burpies and I haven’t done those for two weeks because, well, it goes without saying. so I’m angry at the world about that.

After sparring, Cory and Khalil came over and helped me lift my heavy couch and book shelf and a few other pieces of furniture. THANKS! 😀 It had stopped raining by then! THANK GOODNESS. Serena and Mamarena came, too, so even after the guys left, they stayed and helped me back last minute things. Which is soooo nice of them. It have saved me so much time!I hadn’t realized how much I had left. Only now I can’t find stuff because I wasn’t the one who packed it, but I’ll find it eventually.

Saturday evening was King of the Cage and Bryce was fighting. I had fully intended to go, but ….just no. I had had it. I took the Reenas home and then went home. I think ice cream or a cookie made it’s way into my stomach before arrival.
Roxy moved in
I lay down. Then Hannah came home and was like “I’m going to Walmart now for a lamp….wanna come?” WHY NOT!? So we went shopping at Walmart for various household things like a lamp, rice cooker, etc. I was deliriously tired and giggling at everything. Might be the closest I get to being drunk. 😀

got home, slept.
Sunday, woke up unpacked, dropped off U-haul with Hannah.
OH YEAH, so after we picked it up, I wrote on twitter “Damn Uhaul messed up my order and won’t even give me a discount!” and ranted about it on facebook. Within 15 minutes, a Twitter account called “@Uhaul_care” tweeted at me, asking me to DM them the details. I explained and gave my phone number and a staff lady from the headquarters called me and gave me a $50 credit for my trouble. ;D The whole thing ended up costing $58, so yay!! Happy. And the couch had fit in the van, so we managed.

So after returning the Uhaul, I went to yoga for the first time in two weeks. My lower back is in such rough shape, it hurts to stand up. Usually that comes from either a hard wrestling practice or lack of yoga and tight lower body. So yeah, Helped a little. Then my anger towards me being gassed out made me run stairs at the Orleans although I never want to see another flight of stairs EVER AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNN

Then I …..I think I finished cleaning out the old apartment, did chores like buy a new book shelf and stuff, unpacked, and even got to watch some anime before bed! I went to bed at 8:50 PM. 😀

And now it’s Monday and my body hurts so much I can barely move.…