about an up-coming or past fight of mine or a friend

The Saga of getting Saga, training, cirque du soleil w/ Miesha!

I haven’t really written a blog in weeks!

I’ve been teaching a lot of kids, doing a lot of BJJ, and learning awesome stuff on mitts.

The end.

Not really.

Also, I’m on a Saga to find volume 5 of Saga.
saga cover pic Volume 4 ended on kind of a cliffhanger so I’ve been dying for vol 5 to come out. The trade paperback, not the little thin comics that come out weekly or monthly or whatever. So I asked about it in April and the lady who works at Cheeseboy Comics told me, “Oh it takes months to come out. Check back in the fall.” DANG that’s a long time. Fine. I came back in September. “Not yet.” Fine. I came back in October. “Not yet. But soon.” DANG FINE, damnit. I went back in November and she said, “OH we ordered it but it’s out! Come back next Wedesday.” So I went back. “Nothing…” The next week. “Nothing..”

DAMNIT OMFG So I drove down to another comic book store I knew of and……….THEY WERE CLOSED because it was Sunday. Fine, so Monday I called and they didn’t answer the phone. I knew better than to drive there without knowing if they were open. So I called another comic book store in Vegas and asked them if they had vol 5. “Oh yes! We do!” GREAT. So I drove twenty minutes to get there and what he handed me was vol 4. “Oh sorry I thought this was it.” NO, jerk-face, it’s not!!!!!! GRRRRRRrr. I’m a very busy woman! So I called a third place and the guy said he had it and I drove there and it was only the single issue, not the trade paperback.
saga no killing

oh.my.god. I can NOT obtain this comic book!
angry pissed vegeta going super saiyan 3
Then one of my friends suggested I order it on Amazon. What? I can do that? I thought it was a new release. BUT NO, Apparently it’s been out since September!!!

angry what2

So okay, Amazon! Screw you comic book stores, you can’t have my money! HAHAHAHA
SO I ordered it and wait and wait and wait and a week and a half later….,,. this comes in the mail:
knitting yarns

I have the perfect meme for my feelings on this matter:

wtf picard-wtf-meme-generator-wtf-who-the-hell-hired-these-incompetent-people-9b9eaf

My anger was building and building and building….and then when I was telling the story to my mom, I started laughing uncontrollably. It’s hilarious! Knitting???! The only MORE hilarious thing that could have come would have been a book on dating.

So….. today I think I’ll try a few more comic book stores. lol omg I can’t believe this. I .just.want.the.COMIC BOOK!!!! XD

Moving on, Yesterday I went to yaki niku with Miesha and then The Cirque du solei show Mystere. It’s my first one!

And also my first Yaki niku in America! It was better in America because the meat wasn’t like 75% fat like it is in Japan. lol Because Americans actually LIKE THE MEAT!!!! *pet peeve* and they brought the meat all at once so we don’t have to WAIT 15 MINUTES BETWEEN PLATES!!! *pet peeve*
roxy yaki niku
So basically Americans did it better. lol Go America.

miesha roxy cirque

mystere snail
The athletic ability of the performers is amazing! I actually know two acrobats who do those shows so I kept thinking of them. 🙂

Miesha really showed me a great time last night. Thanks so much, my friend! 😀 I enjoyed everything and also spending time with you! 😀 😀

So I don’t have a fight set yet (pleeease offer me a fight Invicta) but I’ve been doing a lot of jiu-jitsu and upping my gi ability that I’ve forgotten. I’m also learning awesome stuff from John on mitts to up my striking game. I love how he prefaces our practice with, “So by now, I’m not going to teach you anything new, we’re just going to work off what you know” and then proceeds to teach me something new. XD Haha! Well, maybe not new to him, but I consider it new. Over the past month I’ve been really bummed out because one, I tweaked my neck which is better now, and also no fight set. But I’m so motivated to try my new stuff in class. I’ve been learning so much and having success in practice. By the time I get another fight, I’ll be tearing through everyone. Trying to lift weights, too. I think my legs are getting stronger! I think I notice more muscle. 😀 I’m trying not to get too heavy since I have no idea when I’m fighting next….

confused anime girl

Should I bulk up? oh well! Every single fighter has the problem of wanting to fight more and not being able to. But now I have my part time job of teaching kids back, so moneyyyyyyyyyyy! 😀 Now I can drain my savings account less.

I hope I get to fight in January! …