working on my day off
Today was my day off, but I worked all afternoon into the evening. I had so much trouble resisting eating. >_< It sucked so much… I tried to focus on work. Bonus lessons, woooo!
Well, I started “Towers of Midnight” by Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson. Of course, it’s freaking AWESOME!!!!!!!! It’s a huge hard-cover, though…really a drag to lug around.
I can’t believe I’m going to LONDON in less than a week! Omg I’m so nervous. @_@

Towers of Midnight
My shorts I wore to fight Marloes Coenen in Strikeforce Fedor vs Rogers are up for auction on my facebook page wall. People got to $125, which I am really happy about, and then stopped. I’m closing bidding on Saturday morning Japan time, i.e. Friday evening USA time. The sale will help sponsor me and support training costs.
I’m almost maxed out for friends, but if you message me, I’ll accept the bid.
