about an up-coming or past fight of mine or a friend

BJJ tournament coming! Herbal Papaya capsules, anime, TV

I’m having a pretty good week. Last week was good, too, despite being exhausted most of the time. I’ve been keeping up very well with all my classes, plus cardio, plus physical training. I’m in great shape and so healthy! 😀 It’s great. I just haven’t been to Taco Bell in over a week. It’s rough. SO ROUGH, I tell you.

Every morning I take my Herbal Papaya capsules to support my immune system, digestion because it has the enzyme papain, and specifically this mix supports blood function. I also love the tea but I have to get some more of it soon. For those of you who like health products, definitely check it out!

REALLY good jiujitsu training. I’ve been getting 30 minute private lessons from Casey here and there throughout the week, mostly on days with no morning gi-class. He’s REALLY helping me tweak things here and there in my jiujitsu game and I feel ready for the tournament this Saturday. Well, as ready as I can be. I’m still not perfect, but I’ll never be perfect. I just wanna be better and better. Casey is such a good teacher and has the ability to explain things really well and clearly.

Yeah! I’m going to the Jiujitsu World League in Orange county, leaving on Friday and competing on Saturday! *checks website* OH BOY, looks like there are two other people in my division. YAY!!

Capitao’s classes are awesome. The amount of people attending are growing and growing every week. There’s a good rainbow of colors, from white belts, to blues, purples, browns (Casey and then Naldo who moved here), and even an extra black! Marcio from Brazil, who is Naldo’s trainer, joins, too. He tries to give me advice now and then. Last week I got so frustrated because Marcio was saying something I was doing wasn’t good, but I couldn’t understand what he wanted me to do because he only speaks Portuguese. And I wanted to know SO BADLY what he was saying. He made a big effort to take me aside and try and give me advice.

This is Marcio.

That being said, I understood half. My Portuguese lessons with Thais are going very well.
I wish my diet was going better. :/ I have to be 141.9 lbs max with my gi and belt on, which weigh about 4 pounds, so that means my body has to weigh 138 or 137. I’m waking up, and also ending practice dehydrated at 138, but I want to be able to eat breakfast and not be too dehydrated for my match. And it’s still unclear to me if I have to weigh in right before I fight or can I weigh in right when I get there. I WANT TO KNOW. 🙁 I’m waterloading and salt cutting right now. But since it’s same-day weigh-ins so I don’t wanna unbalance up my body’s chemistry TOO much. I guess I’ll be alright. I felt so weak yesterday so I had extra carbs, but I wasn’t sure if it’s because I’m always tired on Wednesday… I feel better today but also woke up a pound heavier. ~_~;;

My kids class is great. I had a few weeks of gigantic classes, and thankfully The Reen was there to help me.

The kids seem to pay more attention when we teach together because we goof around and Serena exaggerates stuff and it’s funny. 😀 Then she left to go work the coffee stand and I kind of lost a fraction of their attention.

Serena and I bought a new TV together! Jamie had lent us a 43 inch for a few months and I didn’t realize how much I would enjoy using it by having people over to watch fights and playing video games. We intended to go with 40 or even 39 inch to keep costs down, but for some unexplainable reason, the 42 inch RCA was cheaper than the 40 inch at $199! Plus taxes and the two year warrantee, it was $240. Not bad!

The Reen and I at Fry’s Electronics store.

People always ask us if we are sisters. Nope, just friends. Some people online have asked if we are dating. NO. Best friends. Yes, we are housemates and training partners and friends. But we are both straight and like hot guys, but don’t wanna bother with such distractions while we’re trying to become MMA champions, so we don’t talk about it or date.

That being said, I’m so fortunate to have such a great friend. I think I’ve mentioned before, but growing up I didn’t have many friends, so when I wished upon a star for my hearts desire, it was always “to have friends” and not be lonely anymore. So my heart is very happy. 🙂

Except when she calls a Super Nintendo a “SNES” (sss-nesss) which is not an actual word. 😛

XD It’s “Super NES (en-ee-ess) or Super Nintendo.” But I still love you, Serena! 😀 I did a poll on Facebook and found that after the Nintendo 64 came out, people started abbreviating the older models, so younger people tend to use the abbreviation more. Anyway. 😛 I’m so happy my old Super Nintendo works and I’ve been playing Donkey Kong Country 3 every morning for the past month ever since I discovered it in my dad’s basement. Weee.

I’m rewatching the Resident Evils so I can be ready to watch the new movie.
I took Serena’s recommendation and started this new anime Psycho-pass, which has a very interesting premise. It’s a police show, but in their universe, a computer system scans every human and reads their “criminal intent.” Most normal people read below 100 points, but violent types and criminals register higher, and then the police guns will unlock and emit a stun ray, so the police can arrest the person and give them counseling to help them and lower their number. It predicts if they are likely to commit a crime. If the person is an actual murderer, the number will be way high like 250 or 300 and then the gun will change to “kill mode” and the computer gives the cop authority to shoot to kill. So interesting.

At first the show was focusing around the woman, but then one of the cop’s backstory is kind of being highlighted now…he’s cool. *_* I’m watching it with my friend Candy now. We do that by watching a few eps, chatting about them, and then watch more. It’s cool since she’s in Texas. It’s hard when I have lots of time to watch and she doesn’t, or vice versa! I’m getting obsessed with this show now. haha…