about an up-coming or past fight of mine or a friend

video-game control fighter

When you’re watching a fight, whether as a coach or a fan, don’t you just wish the fighter would DO what you’re shouting?

I feel like I can be a video-game controlled fighter. When my coach shouts something, it’s not advice, it’s input command. Push “A,” fighter kicks. Left-right-down-down + B, fighter advances and punches into a shot.
(unrelated- joysticks SUCK!!! I can’t use them. _< Got frustrated with PS2's Spyro and Tomb Raider because it wouldn't let me use the directional pad and I kept turning Lara in circles. /endGeekOut) Anyway, I've been really 'on' this week at training, with mitts and sparring. Thanks to yoga (Vegas Hot! rules) and Doc Steckel keeping my body functioning, Mike Pyle for doing mini-grappling lessons with me, and John (and sometimes Chaz and Guns, thanks!) cornering me and Jamie. It’s really helpful. I get a power boost.

mike and roxy grappling2
(John took this one)

Especially this week I’ve been really successful with my combinations and take-downs. Jamie (Moyle) has an amateur fight coming up in Tuff-N-Uff – the winner gets a pro Invicta contract! We always spar with each other a lot anyway, since she, Fanny, Michelle and I are the only girls who do MMA regularly. She’s a really good, all-around fighter and pushes me. I push her. It’s awesome. 🙂

roxy jamie michelle with coaches
(Mike, Guns, Jamie, John, Roxy, Corey, Michelle above, Chaz with tattoos in the background)

This week has been an awesome one. I lost some weight. Tweaking my diet. Yay. I still don’t know when I’m fighting, but I’m in good shape! ^_^
I started writing for the website MMAsucka. Check out my article here called “Flourishing Amateur promotions: Cagequest and Tuff-N-Uff.” I also published my once-a-month article on my sponsor’s site, Intimidation Clothing. Click here to read it. It is teh awesome.

I haven’t had time to write my second book at all this week! I haven’t watched much of the anime “Bleach,” and when talking to my Japanese uncle Goto-san, he told me, “Hey, your Japanese skill is getting rusty! Anime is really keeping your ear tuned. You suck now! Haha!” HEY! :{ It’s true, though….kind of. The Visored crack me up with their Kansai dialect.

The clothing sale is still going on…. if you buy anything from the http://www.intimidationclothing.com/ website and enter the coupon code “roxy135” you get 10% off, and I get a small commission. 🙂 COMMISSION! 😀 I recommend the Sparta shirt, so you can go around screaming and posing. XD (j/k)
intimidation clothing this is sparta collage
(click to enlarge)
link to store

AND MY MOM GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!! YAY GO MOM! 😀 Now she’s working, finally, and is a little stressed out because of the transition, but I think it’ll be okay. And I can do ice baths in peace when I come home in the afternoon. lol …