about an up-coming or past fight of mine or a friend

resuming training, Andrea Lee, anime, fun stuff

I lifted weights last week, but I got back into training at Syndicate gym this week. I did padwork twice and sparring Thursday. My leg still hurts a lot, though. I wonder if Andrea has a permit for her kicks. I think they’re lethal weapons. 🙂 I want to do jiu-jitsu this morning, but I think I might skip it and do the big kid’s jiu-jitsu instead, so I can beat up the kiddies roll around with super light people. Although there are some teenagers who are heavier than me. :O

I’m very very happy to be training again! It seemed like forever since my fight, but this is the end of the second week. I’m like “yay I can walk” and in the mean time, last weekend, Andrea (my opponent from Invicta 10) went and competed and won two divisions in the NAGA grappling tournament.

haha! Amazing! But I heard she had a busted eardrum? I don’t think it was from our fight. My other friend had that and it sucks, so I hope she gets better soon. I like Andrea a lot.

andrea and roxy taqlking after the fight I’m starting to follow her career more now.

andrea lee on podium
Who fights with a busted ear drum and wins? Apparently Andrea does. I’m a big fan. And she does something to market herself with a trademark – the cowboy hat. Follow her career, guys : twitter @AndreaLeeAaron
instagram: andrealeeaaron
Her opponent wouldn’t take the pic with her, she wrote.
andrea on podium alone

I use Wartape every day, so thank you for sponsoring me! I don’t want to show everything I’m taping cuz I don’t want to show my weaknesssssssss but yesterday I marked which leg not to kick. I told my training partners, “Please don’t kick this leg. If you do, I will go down. Straight down.” lol

war tape pic 2

My busted finger. Poor baby. 🙂 “Soft tissue mallet finger,” which means the ligament is busted. It doesn’t hurt at all, which is a little bizarre. So I have to keep it straight for 6 weeks and it’ll heal. I’m just finishing the 3rd week. yay. But I’m not sure I bent it or not taking the splint off last week…-_-; I don’t want to restart the clock. hmm
soft tissue mallot finger pic

I got some presents from friends and a fan! <3 thank you so much, guys! A massage cushion, Naruto socks, and Super Saiyan Goku, and two lunch boxes. And something else but I put it away, my brain isn't working right now. I will alternate using them 😀 Thank you so much! gifts from people
I self published my book and it’s available on Amazon! How exciting 😀 😀
Link to Amazon
memoirs cover

I’m going to Boston to visit my dad and step family! I’m so excited! Next Tuesday! 😀

I’ve been watching a lot of One Piece lately. I’m on Punk Hazard and everyone is trying to catch Cesar and rescue the children. I really like Law and Smoker.
smoker fighting

gumu gomo no ufo
Gomu Gomu no….UFO! haha this scene cracks me up, especially when I started laughing and then Ussop started laughing, too.…