First Friday vlog, pics, TUF house bunny guy

Woke up and checked out the eye. So bummed I can’t spar today. πŸ™ Well, it’s hard to see, but it’s really pretty purple/fuschia color now! I wish I had a T-shirt this color! I’m just sayin…..! XD #positivethinking

black eye just saiyan
(click to enlarge)

I’m sexy and I know it….. XD (I’m so obsessed with that song right now)

I unpacked a bunch of boxes and organized papers Friday morning. I went to Syndicate and did what training I could with my eye and soreness level.

I practiced my Super Samurai Punch until my arms wanted to fall off.

Went home, soaked in my apartment’s HOT TUB for a while! πŸ˜€ Did net stuff for a while, and then headed to Fermont Street to meet my friends Perry and Robyn! πŸ˜€

Look at Robyn’s nails! How cool!
robyn's halloween
We saw artsy stuff, heard live music, which were free!

LOOK! The weird bunny guy who decorated the TUF house that kind of rubbed me the wrong way then, but it’s not so bad now! -_-; I found out that the artist is Juan Muniz!
juan muniz rabbit

We ate hamburgers and tacos. And Perry treated us to the best sweet corn on the cob ever! πŸ˜€ Arigato, amigo!
sliders hamburgers

Video blog!!

Alliteration! πŸ˜€

We walked by Insert Coin, where we all went the night we got out of the TUF house, so I have very vivid memories of that place.

insert coin with a coin
(click to enlarge. I’m holding a coin!)

I had such a fabulous time!

Hey….did you just touch my butt?!?!
touch my but
That is prohibited. Unless it’s by accident in training, but then revenge choking may occur….

Man, I was gonna do harder conditioning, but I feel like a train wreck. :/

And a TUF camera guy just joined my gym! πŸ˜€ Cool! Nostalgia! πŸ˜€ …