Tony, fun restaurants, training

Morning training at Syndicate was super awesome. I could barely move after that.

One of my friends from California, Tony, is in Vegas visiting, so we hung out a few times this week! 😀

He navigated us to the Dollar Tree so I could get tons of cheap necessary stuff. I found fly swatters for INSECTS OF DOOM! But I didn’t buy them. 😀


Then we went to the restaurant Beijin Noodle 9!
beijin noodle 9
It was so tasty, and the decor was so cool!

It was in the Cesar’s Palace Casino!
We met up with a sentinel and Tony defended my honor. XD
0roxy cesar
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We got lost in the parking lot, which was really annoying, but overall an a-mazing experience. hahaha

I’ve stared doing my “Let’s chat! :D” Chat rooms, hosted on an mIRC server on my website! I used to do them a lot and then quit, but started again randomly. I should set a time…maybe Sunday morning. I’ve been enjoying talking to fans and old friends! 🙂 Please come in, if you see me tweet it or post on face book!

On Wednesday, I took the day off from training. TUF Team Tate coach Ricky Lundell invited me and Miesha to watch TUF on the big screen in his wrestling room school. It was so cool and we hung out afterwards. 😀
watching tuf with ricky and miesha
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Except that I had to relive sad memories of Shayna losing. I know Julianna was my teammate, but Shayna was my friend, so I was really sad. 🙁 And the rest of my team was celebrating hard, so it was hard for me. :/ oh well, that’s MMA.

Thursday was yesterday, and I did another great hard practice at Syndicate. I love the way coach John Wood structures classes.

Last night I went with Tony to this restaurant bar called “vamp’d” and it was freaking AWESOME. The decor was fantastic and the food was delicious!