Sunday- work and going-away party

Sunday was a pretty quiet day of work. I was soooo exhuasted from Saturday’s training. I ate too much during the day…ice cream and chocolate.

So as many of you know, a fighter is either on a diet and losing weight, or NOT on a diet and gaining weight. There is no in-the-middle and it’s really uncomfortable. @_@; I’m trying to stop gaining weight and it’s hard. arg. (I’m just saying it, I’m not looking for sympathy or advice. I don’t need it, thanks).

Anyway, it was a good day, and afterwards, I met my former co-workers at my previous office and we went to gether to this restaurant in Shimokitazawa and ate really delicious Chinese food and chatted. Actually, it was some of the best Chinese food that I’ve ever eaten. I love an kake ( I dunno it in English).
It was good to see everybody (although ‘everybody’ couldn’t make it.)

I finally feel like I’m where I’ve always wanted to be, in my new school. But I had a great two years in SY. I love everybody. I made many friends. I’ll miss them….