visiting relatives in NY & Erin’s wedding in MASS
7/30/14 – 8/3/14
I had an amazingly awesome time this weekend! I left Las Vegas with my mother last Wednesday morning and arrived in New York in the evening. We rented a car and drove to my Aunt A’s house, where we visited with her and my cousin Ir… It was so nice. I haven’t seen them in a few years. We slept over at a hotel, and on Thursday morning, after a nice breakfast and mother-daughter power walk, we picked up my Uncle F. He is the one who isn’t well, who I have been wanting to visit for a long time now. We met my other Uncle and Aunt at a neat little family restaurant called CP’s, that has like old fashioned stuff like trains, license plates, mail boxes.
Fantastic food, even better company.
Shared a tiny tub of frozen yogurt at Stewarts.
We bought a watermellon at the grocery store, used Uncle F’s plates, and drove to Auriesville Shrine.
We ate, got eaten by mosquitoes, saw the scenery and attend part of the mass. It was very peaceful, beautiful place.
I really enjoyed talking to my Aunt and Uncles.
Uncle F wanted to walk into the ravine. Apparently he used to go with my grandfather or grandmother?
They liked it down there. I was worried about the health of everyone walking down there, but everybody seemed okay.
I took some nature pictures.
We had dinner together at a diner. 😛 I enjoyed every second with them! 😀 It was so nice to talk to them as an adult. See, we used to visit when I was a kid, and then when I became a fully independent adult, I went and moved to Japan and didn’t really visit them for 8 years.
My mom really loved being back in New York. She kept saying nostalgically how she loved it and wanted to move back. I think it was good for her to visit. After all, she up and moved at the drop of a dime to Las Vegas. It’s good to remind yourself that you came from somewhere. I think it makes you feel more grounded.
We slept over the hotel again. My body was still pretty sore from the week’s training, but getting better. That was a good thing about being forced to take time off from training.
Mom was really stressing me out. If things weren’t perfect, she’d get stressed and snappy. -_- I’m sure I’ll get like that when I’m her age, so I just accept it and bear it. lol
After breakfast, we drove to Lenox.
So when we got to Lenox, I was going to meet Kate. But we were early, so I wanted to have lunch at the Church Street Cafe. I used to work there in high school! Mom left to check into the hotel and I went alone. Sorry, but YAY. –;
I did indeed have lunch at the cafe and had a pricy but super delicious ham and Brie Cheese sandwich. By chance, I met Ginny and got to catch up! We had been on the same soccer team together! 😀
I then walked around town for like two and a half hours, going into all the stores. I walked by my old house and ran into a neighbor!
Met Kate at the library! 😀 Chatted with her. Ate frozen yogurt (which was actually the second time for me that day, haha). It was soooooooo nice to catch up with her. 😀 Yay Kate!
We then went to Erin’s “Jack and Jill” party where I got to see my old high school friends Kendra and Daniel, Jared and meet Christina, and see Liz and Corey again. And ERIN, the bride-to-be! 😀 And meet her fiance /now husband Alan. Who is a 6’7″ giant man from Scotland. lol Like, seriously. Her shoulders came up to his elbows.
We ate junk food, played video games and board games. Apples to Apples is awesome! 😀 I really enjoyed it. And so good to see Caitlin and Chris again, and finally meet the new addition to their family – Karrigan! 😀 Such a cute, happy baby. wow.
Then I played “Rock Band” with Erin and another girlfriend of hers.
Saturday morning, Mom drove me across the street to get my hair done with the Bailey’s (I can’t really call them that anymore?) Mrs. Bailey fish-tailed my hair. THANK YOU. It looked really good!! I talked to them and took lots of pictures. 😀 As usual.
We then went to the Bailey’s house and changed. I never wear a dress so I kind of wanted to take lots of pictures to show it off. haha
Kate and I. (click to enlarge)
Dale’s house was really nice. Caitlin, Kate and I helped prepare the flowers.
I got to see Jay and finally meet Emily! And Jared and Christina. They also seemed happy. 😀 YAY HAPPY FRIENDS.
Erin and I! (click to enlarge)
The ceremony was really nice. The restaurant and the food was all really great. 😀 Thanks, Erin!
After the wedding, I was able to visit my old friend Lauren! I’ve been keeping in touch by email recently. I love her to pieces,and it was so good to see her. She forced me to watch half an ep of Sailor moon with her. lol I was sad to leave. 🙁
Mom picked me up. That was my awesome Saturday and my awesome trip. Sunday morning we woke up at 4 AM and drove an hour and 15 mins to the Albany airport. Got on the plan, changed in North Carolina, and then returned to Las Vegas at 1:30 PM. I ran stairs, did yoga, and here I am.
I hope Mom feels more satisfied now. She has had trouble adjusting to Las Vegas, even though certain things have been improved in her life. I found that going back and forth visiting the US from time to time from Japan helped keep me grounded, reminding me that I loved where I was now and what I was doing, and that I did have somewhere I could return to if I so desired.
I feel happy I got to visit my family, especially my uncle since he’s sick. I also got to visit my grandparent’s and aunt’s graves. I even saw my great grandparent’s graves!
I can’t wait to get back to training for my fight. And other things.…