great week- Katie & TKD, kids promotion, training

This week was great.

I went back to training on Monday still feeling burnt out and a little over-trained, despite taking Sunday off from training. Well, I didn’t do MMA but I did yoga and lifted weights and did sprints…. *ahem*

On Tuesday, I felt like my body was really fighting a cold and I felt really crappy and exhausted, I only did jiujitsu class and skipped kickboxing. “Only” jiujitsu. Hah. Double classes in a row are hard… anyway, yeah! So tired. Got some chores done, though. Didn’t go to my language exchange. ;_;

Wednesday I woke up SO excited to go to Katie’s TaeKwonDo tournament! It was the US open, and lots of people flew in from other countries. I woke up early (3:50 AM) because I was so excited, got up at 4 AM, ate breakfast, and then went to 24 Hr Fitness gym and did some weights and Lorenzo’s Hellish Strength and Conditioning Leg explosive jump squat routines. x_x I still felt crappy, so I did two sets (which contain a bunch of activities) instead of 5 (which render me useless for the rest of the day.) Then I did some of Lorenzo’s Hellish upperbody and abs workout. Have I mentioned that Lorenzo is the best physical trainer I’ve ever worked with? I’ve had to skip the past two weeks and I’m sad but rejoicing at the same time, you know what I mean? haha
I’ve still been doing his stuff on other days, though. My diamond pushups have gone from 6 max to 11 max. YAY #results I will make the efforts as long as I know what to do and how to do it. Guide me and I will get it done.

So I forced a decent workout and then went to Westgate Casino were we waited around ALL morning and into the afternoon, but I expected that. Tournaments are like that, not knowing when you’re fighting and always running behind. We got to see only the first of her three matches. She won the first! 😀 And then we had to go, and she unfortunately didn’t win the second, but won the third. She got a silver medal. Congrats, Katie! You were cool! ^_^

(in blue)

Then I went to teach kids.
Thursday, Katie joined us for jiu-jitsu! She’s gotten so much better since I convinced her to join me like half a year ago!!

Hahah Captain’s face in this picture!! XD He’s so happy choking me.

And I convinced her to do MMA! It was sparring day! I know it’s different because you can’t punch the face in Tae Kwon Do. John didn’t run class cuz he’s in Texas to corner Khalil who is fighting today! ….and we didn’t actually “spar.” (Well, I did two rounds with Serena after class ended)

Guns ran us through various drills and stations, which was actually the perfect thing for Katie! She got a taste of ground and pound, scrambles, wall-drills, submissions, etc.

I’m so proud of her. And I enjoyed the guillotine and arm-bar practice. And it was cool seeing Serena’s grappling improvement. She totally doesn’t give herself enough credit, but I notice. But we fighters have a tendency to forget the stuff we do well and fixate on the stuff we mess up. I know this because I do the exact same thing daily. lol I had asked Capitao some questions, saying, ” I struggled with this in my tournament!” and he was like, “But you finally did it right in your fight!!” I was like, “I did?!” LOL I had forgotten I did it…. He said I did everything right. When I heard this, I was like…

We went out to lunch. Then Serena did some physical training, so I took Katie back to my place and forced her to watch the anime Norigami, and she likes it. 😀 <3 This kind of change of pace was exactly what I needed. I trained but I no longer feel overtrained. And I really missed my friends since I didn't go to the last Invicta, so I'm glad I got to hang out with Katie! I miss Candy and Rob pretty badly, though. And my other friends who come see me fight... 🙁 oh well... I promoted Joshua to solid gray belt! I'm so proud of him! He's gotten good!

Today is jiujitsu, and kickboxing… Naldo has been calling me out all week to spar but we haven’t been training in the same sessions! x_x I wanna do jiujitsu and he wants to do kickboxing and he didn’t show up to the MMA class (where I actually have a chance…actually who am I kidding, I have no chance, he’s a bad-ass 25-5 pro from Brazil!) hah!

I felt so loved yesterday when my friends invited me to come hang out via live instagram video feed…but I was sleepy so I went to bed anyway. lol it was 10 PM! I get Roxalepsy!

Then watch Khalil fight tonight! And tomorrow Serena and I have to take the TV back because 1) the port that connects my gaming systems is shorting in and out 2) the speakers suck 3) it’s refurbished and I didn’t realize that until I took it home. X_X;; grrr

I wish I had a fight set.…