SHOOTO, Caol Uno, etc!
On Monday, I found out that Caol Uno was fighting in Shooto this weekend. Oh! He’s one of the people I usually try and go see fight live. I’m trying to save money, though… but I checked out the card and found out that Kadowaki-san was fighting! And Hoshino-san! My two former teammates from Keishukai!
MUST GO SUPPORT! 6,000 yen (70 bucks) ;_; The cheaper ones were sold out. _<
But if people like me don’t go and pay money for a ticket, these guys can’t eat and feed their families. Uno-san was fighting some Korean Kickboxer who’s record wasn’t quite clear on the website… yeah. So I scrambled to get tickets, but the convenience stores had stopped selling them by the time Tuesday had rolled around, so I started emailing people, and anyway, got tickets from Uno-san.
So after work, I high-tailed it to Korakuen Hall. I got my ticket, and sat down…next to Yushin Okami and friend/English student Watanabe-san! LOL At first I thought it was a coincidence, but now I realize they must have bought tickets from Uno-san to support him. It was nice to chat with them. 😀 I don’t really like watching fights by myself. :/
Then I spotted Brittany ringside, and she was sitting next to Enson Inoue. I text messaged her, “Hey, take a picture of me from there.” Haha here it is. Can you spot me, you where's waldo fans?
Then she said, “Take a picture of me and Enson!” so I did. She has red hair, and she’s looking down.
Then I noticd JUGGS, my friend from Australia, was sitting next to Brittany. 😀 Cool. Wait, what is he doing in Japan? 😛 It was pretty funny. Then I noticed Kenji Osawa-san sitting across the hall. So we waved to each other. Man, it’s a small world. Or is Korakuen just small?
Anyway, the fights were really exciting, although I didn’t pay attention to the first one cuz I was so busy trying to take a picture of Brittany. ^^; hah. My former teammates’ fights stressed me out so bad. _< I always get tense and start twitching when I watch friends fight, like my arms and my head, because I’m watching so hard, and I might react to something. It’s dumb and I hate it. I kept bumping the knee of the old guy sitting next to me. -__-;
But anyway, Former Shooto Champion Kadowaki-san lost by KO. I was really sad.
But when his opponent came out, I was like, “Wait a second…doesn’t that guy come to Groundslam pro practice sometimes?” I checked the card and he’s from Shooting Gym Yokohama, where Mizugaki trains, and other guys come to Groundslam, so probably. DAMNIT _< Kadowaki-san is a very special guy to me. We used to talk and train every day together at Keishukai for 4 years when I first came to Japan. I wore his T-shirt in support! I hope he’s okay.
Then Hoshino-san, my other former teammates, challenged a belt holder for the title, and unfortunately lost by decision. Sad. :/ He’s so strong! (he looks really cool in this pic!) His wrestling is insane. I wanted to see him doggedly go for it more, but the other guy was really good at defending his take downs.
And Caol Uno won his fight by choke! The guy didn’t quite tap, but he was locked in and almost unconscious, so it’s the same in the end. ^^;; The other guy was surprisingly better than I thought at defending Uno-san’s attacks.
So Uno-san and I have a history. Lol First, he fought in the very first UFC I ever watched, as a high school student over my BJJ friend’s house. I remember being impressed with his slick grappling. Then, I met him for the first time when I came to Japan as a college exchange student, when I competed in the MMA promotion “Cross Section,” put on by Keishukai. Then, I actually JOINED Keishukai after I graduated college, and sometimes trained with him! That was amazing. By that time, I could speak Japanese! It was like a dream to be able to talk to him! I also ran into him at Gold’s Gym when we were lifting weights. Then, he left the Keishukai team. Then I left the Keishukai team, and started training at the AACC full time. I still ran into him at Gold’s Gym. Then, he came to the AACC pro practice now and then! It was like, “Hey, everywhere I go, you’re there!” Haha
THEN I started training at Groundslam as a visiting fighter, and found out that he goes there a lot! So I saw him like every week there.
(pic from last year)
It’s like it’s destiny. I AM NOT STALKING HIM. Hahahahaha I swear, I am not! It’s crazy. :} He has a wife and three kids. Heh They’ve gotten big. He carried them all in his arms after the fight. They’re like 3-5 years old or something.
Anyway, I’m so glad he won.
After the fights, I rode the train part of the way home with Buri-chan. She ate ramen and I ate the egg on top. Diet! Hah
I ran into Shizuko Sugiyama and we chatted! I still feel so bad for pulling out of our fight due to my injury. It haunts me every day. I’m glad she’s fighting on the next Jewels card. Good luck to her!…