I’m going to review my year : 2021! I had many amazing adventures!

I bought a two bedroom condominium in January, and planned to move out of my one bedroom apartment into it as soon as my fight was over. I was set to face Viviane Araujo in Fight Island at the end of January.

Fight Island sucked for many reasons, firstly because of all the quarantining. All the staff were dressed in Hazmat suits. We couldn’t leave the hotel, or our rooms for a while. It hindered my training and it was annoying that we had to leave extra early, so I was away from my normal routine a long time. On the other hand, I’m so glad and grateful that the UFC made it possible for fighters to fight by doing it on Abu Dhabi. I’m thrilled to be a part of this great organization so I kept repeating to myself how lucky I was.

Another fighter from my gym, JoJo, was also fighting. I don’t like my teammates being on the same card because I want the focus of my coaches to be on me, but I had to share the attention. It sucked.

Maybe if I had won I would be able to look more on the bright side, but I lost by decision. She was the better fighter that night and I couldn’t apply my gameplan to her. I had to drag myself home by myself thanks to previously mentioned coaching issues. However, I would like to thank my coaches for going all the way to Abu Dhabi for my fight. (Our fight I guess) and supporting me. Us.

It was a really hard time for me. I just have bad feelings surrounding the experience. I’m trying really hard to be the happy warrior but it was hard. I guess I’m glad I get to earn a living training to get stronger, and being entertaining. I prepared and trained as hard as I could, though, and I especially want to thank Guns for all the wrestling lessons.

He made such a big effort for me and was my roommate for the quarantine days. I’m fortunate to have had him in my corner and supporting me with various things. I flew home into the loving arms of my boyfriend Chris with two huge black eyes. (btw it was great to fly business class). He picked me up and drove my to his home where I got loving and comforting that I’d never known before (not having had a serious boyfriend before.) It was wonderful!

I was so depressed after my loss, but smile and carry on, right? I moved into the condo! Whoohooo!

February! It was the FIRST EVER VALENTINE’S DAY I had with a boyfriend! 😀 Chris cooked me steak and put candles on the table! ^_^

Chris is doing manly things like building me a desk

I got a fight offer for Taila Santos in May! I accepted, although a little hesitantly. My right knee had been bothering me. I tried to take it easy and figured it would feel better. It wasn’t feeling better and in fact, got worse and worse. I got an offer to fight in March, in Submission Underground! My right knee was bothering me, but I have ALWAYS wanted to do SUG so whatever, I’d just do it. Then, it would test me, so I could see whether I could ignore my knee or not.

Chris came with me! It was awesome. Our first trip together! ^^

My knee got stuck out of alignment during my warmups back stage…I literally smacked it back in with my hand. HOLY CRAP that’s bad…. I knew then with a sinking heart that I’d have to cancel my fight and go get an MRI. But first, I had to fight Amanda Lowen for the belt. x_x

We fought. I couldn’t pass her guard except one time, but couldn’t finish the match. In over time, she escaped my arm bar but I couldn’t escape hers, so she won by decision. I felt my knee but it didn’t stop me from fighting. She armbarred me so she legitimately won the match, of course. No excuses there. I would love to try again, though. We all would if we lose, I guess.

I was depressed. Lost again. I take losing too seriously, probably. I had tried to train for it by doing extra grappling as best I could.

I was falling deeply in love with Chris, more and more every day.

I swear, I was still training every day, so all that stuff they say about getting a significant other and neglecting training wasn’t happening.

My personal life was amazing. I discovered happiness like I’d never known before!

Chris and I decided to live together! ^_^ After being together for five months. Let’s GOOOOOOOOO no time to waste. I knew he was the one for me. I could feel it. So let’s push up the schedule and see how smoothly things go.

In my fighting life, things weren’t great. On top of my knee, I felt like I was getting rocked in practice more. I was losing grappling matches and I was supposed to be good at jiujitsu. I struggled.

Finally I got an MRI and found I had a torn meniscus. NO! YES!! I was happy that there was something and not just my imagination. It could be fixed! In April, I had knee surgery on my meniscus. The doc said he didn’t know how bad it would be until he got in there. I would wake up from surgery hearing either a six-week recovery, or six months. Geez!

Chris cooked for me. Gangis Kind kept me company during the day.

Easter eggs with Chris and Serena

I loved teaching kids! I had achieved the leadership position and could make the curriculum, and hire new teachers. I also got a pay raise for the first time in eight years.

By the middle of MAY, my leg was healed enough to limp around on to teach kids and do stuff! My friend from Cali Celia visited.

Chris’ mom and step dad came to visit and stayed with us! It was the first time I met them and was wonderful! We went to the Ls Vegas Neon Sign museum. I like Chris’ family.

In JUNE, I went to Montana to corner Serena in her fight in Fusion Fight League against Elizabeth Philips. There I met Sydney “Sundance” Smith, who I would continue to be friends with afterwards!

In JULY, my cousin JoeJoe got married (not her below, that’s Cousin Alison) and I took Chris! I introduced Chris to most of my family! Yay! It was wonderful. They liked him.

Me, Mom, and Chris

My MMA fight with Taila got rescheduled to September.

I got an offer to do a grappling match in Fusion Fight League! I love that promotion! Sure! Chris went with me.

I lost. ;_; By Heelhook. DAMNIT not again! She had locked onto my leg that had just healed, and I was like, “F that I’m not limping home again.” So I just tapped. That suuuuuuuucked. I really enjoyed the trip, though.

In AUGUST, Chris and I went back to Montana for his uncle’s funeral. It was a sad occasion, but I loved meeting all his family and seeing the places he grew up. I’m soooooooo in looooooooove with himmmmmm.

Also, we decided to move into a one-story house because….tons of reasons. We hated having to carry poor doggo down the stairs because he falls. He wants to grill and we couldn’t in the condo.

September was a loaded month! It was my 39th birthday! I fought the day after my birthday. I met Robbie Lawler, someone who inspired me to start fighting, so that was epic. Lorenzo was in my corner for the first time, so that was cool. I did a great job with my weigh ins! That was fun. I had a really fun time surrounding my fight.

The fight itself didn’t go my way. I did alright but Taila ended up taking me down and outmaneuvering me. For the first time in my life, I didn’t know what to do on the ground in those awkward positions. I was disappointed that I couldn’t hear my cornermen.

OCTOBER was fun….I had like four Halloween parties, and Coach John got married! (to JoJo). Lots of celebrations.

At this point, I realized that I’ve been having major epiphanies in my life, about how the world works, how people treat each other, human nature, etc. I’ve been disappointed by things, people, and our gov*cough*ment. Some negative things have been happening in my professional life and it’s been very eye opening. I’m learning so much from Chris. He’s very street-smart and savvy. I’m so glad we have similar opinions on important things. The world is going mad with the pandemic, vaccine, and power grabs all across the world.

I hate guns and I hate shooting, but I’m starting to learn and practice. I started going to ranges and to the desert to practice. I’m a decent shot thanks to hand-eye-coordination and video games, I guess. I must get better.

I started working a lot more with Muay Thai Coach and mentor Jonny Parsons. Our Syndicate wrestling coach Frank Hickman, who’s class I was very much looking forward to taking and changed my schedule to do so, told me that he’d be training my opponent. But of course he wouldn’t be spying or watching my training. While he’s still teaching at Syndicate.

Ummmm of course he won’t……… deez nuts!

So that’s been sucking. I’ve been feeling uncomfortable with him around. It sucks extra because he’s a nice guy. I understand having loyalty to another fighter. I respect that. It’s unfortunate that his fighter is my opponent at another gym. It’s not his fault, really. But I wish we don’t have to train in the same room every day….

I stepped down from leading the kids program, almost got KICKED OUT of the kids program, but still am allowed to teach once a week. Um…that’s not what I had expected would happened when I tried to teach less.

My best friend is training elsewhere and I think it’s good for her. Way to be strong, my friend. We are both just lonely now because we don’t see each other as much.

In NOVEMBER, a new girl named Hannah joined Syndicate and I’ve been training with her a lot.

I decided that my next fight, which makes 50 fights total, will be my last fight. They gave me Casey O’Neill. I’m excited to face her!

The Sluggernaut, me, and Lauren

I really needed a friend and good training partner I trusted, so I flew out Lauren Murphy! We made friends on the Ultimate Fighter season 26 and ended up fighting, but that’s okay. I HAD THE BEST TRAINING WEEK that I’ve had in a long time. We did private lessons together, I learned a lot, she gave me tips and pointers, and set me up in sparring to do the moves we learned. Thank you, Lauren! I’m excited for her to come back in a few weeks to help me just before my fight.

DECEMBER was nuts. I went to Florida with Chris for his fight in Titan FC. The fight lasted 21 seconds because he got blasted with an illegal knee because he was a grounded opponent. I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo!

And then he proposed. lol Our engagement made headlines.

Chris vs Asa Ten Pow

We got back to Vegas. I got sick. Even the dog got sick. Chris couldn’t work and I couldn’t train, and neither of us could take Gangis to the vet. We celebrated Christmas together, which was nice, but being able to go out would have been nicer. Finally, I got better and we took Gangis. Found out he wasn’t going to make it so we dealt with that. We are still dealing….

I recovered completely so jumped into training for my fight with Casey, kind of freaking out, but my cardio is already better after a few weeks so yay.

I miss Gangis…

I have major goals for 2022.

  1. win my last fight
  2. secure my day job
  3. get married
  4. do lot of jiujitsu!

I won’t say a year is good or bad. I love living life! I’m excited for every day and to try and make the next day better than the one before! Now I have a life partner and it’s wonderfulllllllll! ^_^ I’m looking forward to waking up and not having to choose violence every day. I really just want to do jiujitsu.

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