video-game control fighter

When you’re watching a fight, whether as a coach or a fan, don’t you just wish the fighter would DO what you’re shouting?

I feel like I can be a video-game controlled fighter. When my coach shouts something, it’s not advice, it’s input command. Push “A,” fighter kicks. Left-right-down-down + B, fighter advances and punches into a shot.
(unrelated- joysticks SUCK!!! I can’t use them. _< Got frustrated with PS2's Spyro and Tomb Raider because it wouldn't let me use the directional pad and I kept turning Lara in circles. /endGeekOut) Anyway, I've been really 'on' this week at training, with mitts and sparring. Thanks to yoga (Vegas Hot! rules) and Doc Steckel keeping my body functioning, Mike Pyle for doing mini-grappling lessons with me, and John (and sometimes Chaz and Guns, thanks!) cornering me and Jamie. It’s really helpful. I get a power boost.

mike and roxy grappling2
(John took this one)

Especially this week I’ve been really successful with my combinations and take-downs. Jamie (Moyle) has an amateur fight coming up in Tuff-N-Uff – the winner gets a pro Invicta contract! We always spar with each other a lot anyway, since she, Fanny, Michelle and I are the only girls who do MMA regularly. She’s a really good, all-around fighter and pushes me. I push her. It’s awesome. 🙂

roxy jamie michelle with coaches
(Mike, Guns, Jamie, John, Roxy, Corey, Michelle above, Chaz with tattoos in the background)

This week has been an awesome one. I lost some weight. Tweaking my diet. Yay. I still don’t know when I’m fighting, but I’m in good shape! ^_^
I started writing for the website MMAsucka. Check out my article here called “Flourishing Amateur promotions: Cagequest and Tuff-N-Uff.” I also published my once-a-month article on my sponsor’s site, Intimidation Clothing. Click here to read it. It is teh awesome.

I haven’t had time to write my second book at all this week! I haven’t watched much of the anime “Bleach,” and when talking to my Japanese uncle Goto-san, he told me, “Hey, your Japanese skill is getting rusty! Anime is really keeping your ear tuned. You suck now! Haha!” HEY! :{ It’s true, though….kind of. The Visored crack me up with their Kansai dialect.

The clothing sale is still going on…. if you buy anything from the website and enter the coupon code “roxy135” you get 10% off, and I get a small commission. 🙂 COMMISSION! 😀 I recommend the Sparta shirt, so you can go around screaming and posing. XD (j/k)
intimidation clothing this is sparta collage
(click to enlarge)
link to store

AND MY MOM GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!! YAY GO MOM! 😀 Now she’s working, finally, and is a little stressed out because of the transition, but I think it’ll be okay. And I can do ice baths in peace when I come home in the afternoon. lol …