My Christmas vacation trip

I had a nice Christmas vacation.

I went to Boston from Friday to Tuesday morning. I trained not a bit other than taking two walks, jumping jacks, squats, and push ups. I ate A LOT. And it was great.

Throughout the year, I don’t talk to my dad as much as my mom because he’s so busy at work, so it was great to get to spend time with him. However, the first day I was there, he gave me the anticipated speech about how he wants me to stop fighting and consider another line of work. However, this time, it was way more forceful and kind of bummed me out for most of my trip. I’m prepared for my parents’ disapproval…. what parent REALLY wants their kid to fight for a living? But kids also desire their parents approval in general, and it sucks I can’t get mine.

Hey, if I were flat broke and I came to him, “Dad, can I borrow five thousand dollars to hold me over to my next fight?” then that is a different story. If I were him, I’d tell me, “No, dear, you need to take responsibility by making do with a more well-paying part-time job, or get a full-time job and train at night.” But I’m NOT doing that.

Of course I want a family and kids SOME DAY, and more money . I don’t date because a boyfriend is distracting, and I only meet people at my gym, and I don’t wanna date anyone from my gym. My step-brother just got engaged. My two cousins are married with kids. If I have a kid, I wanna be able to quit my job for a few years to take care of the infant and have a husband who has a job in which we can make do. I will not fight. I will not be one of those parents to brings their babies to the gym to cry while everybody else is trying to train. It’s not a priority right now in my life.

whoaaaaaaa I went off on a rant there. I’m sure my dad is glad I haven’t settled down with a fighterguy.
I’m actually not allowed to write anything on social media while I’m visiting because Dad demands privacy. I got in big trouble for posting a picture of pizza on instragram…. One of my step-siblings ratted me out by accident…. thanks. It’s just pizza….

I’ll probably get in trouble for this blog…unless I block all my step family on Facebook. 😀


Anyway, ate good food, got scolded for not knowing current events (excuse me for not spending my precious time and energy on things that don’t effect my life and I won’t care about in another few months), ate the best Mexican enchiladas on the planet, watched lots of football, and got included in a card game with my step-cousins.

I got lovely presents and I am very grateful for them.  However, all I really cared about was the time spent with Dad. “All I want for Christmas is you!” is totally true. Just buy me a plane ticket and call it my present.

AND THIS probably topped my Christmas gift experienced and it was a gift from like 20 years ago. XD
I found it when I was looking through some of my boxes that I left in the basement. I can’t wait to find out if it still works.

I missed my mom and my extended family, but you know, I accepted the fighter life-style, which means missing family for the holidays. I hope I’ll get to fight in March. That’ll make 6 months since my last fight…

I’m going to do a jiujitsu tournament in California at the end of January. The one in Cerritos college is 4-5 hours away but looking online, nobody’s signed up for my weight division yet. The one in San Jose is supposed to be bigger but it’s like 8 hours away. 🙁 I don’t really wanna do that but I really wanna compete…. I physically can’t sit that long. My neck, shoulders, back, and knees start hurting. It’s a problem.

This entry comes across as a little negative, doesn’t it. Well, life isn’t perfect but I’m glad to be back to Vegas and a place where people accept and admire me, and where I have self-worth….

I went to Captain’s evening jiujitsu class because I had missed morning training. I seriously felt like a zombie because I had woken up at 2 AM Boston time (11 PM Vegas Time) to travel 30 mins to the airport to catch my 6 Am flight. I was so tired but enjoyed class. I got to roll with Captain a lot.
That was fun. I love training with him.
I can’t submit him even with a choke fully sunk or armbar fully sunk…He said one of my chokes was close. Close is as good as I’m gonna get. haha…
