Training at HQ

Wednesday was super busy.

I went to mentor training at HQ and it was MOST excellent. I got a lot of my questions answered about the new evaluation forms, and got to share a lot of ideas with colleagues.

I went back to my school only to find that my mentoring session had been changed to a kid’s assessment, but I decided to do the mentoring session in my dinner break, which forced my boss to have to re-do my schedule.


But it was approaching over a week and feedback sessions should be done ASAP…
I couldn’t teach my fav kids class because of that. ;_; Come to think of it, Chris can do assessments. _< OH well, I guess it's good for the kids to have a new face once in a while... but they're the light of my week! Anyway. I got a lesson cancelation in the evening, so I organized all my mentor stuff i.e. still did work, taught my last lesson, and then came home. Wrote an angry email to Paypal for basically robbing Enson Inoue of his donations for his charity work up north, and now I'm auctioning my fight shorts from Strikeforce 2009 (the alternate ones, unworn but signed) with 100% of the money going to Enson, which I will hand over personally when I see him next. -_-; Check my Facebook for details! And if you don't have Facebook but want to bid, email me. Thanks
