My Life is a Crazy Adventure (fighting, moving, poop, a water leak, Montana)
This is why I’m writing books about it. lol In the meantime, please enjoy my blogs!
Soooo it’s been a month. Let’s start with poop. Yes. Chris’ dog Genghis Kind (he spells it Gangis) is struggling to hold it all morning, or throughout the night. I kept coming home to poop in the house, and had to spend lots of time scrubbing it out of the carpet. Also, carrying a 70 pound dog down the stairs in my condo multiple times a day SUCKED, but we dealt with it. Gangis is such a good boy and tries so hard, it’s hard to be mad. Chris said a dog door in a one-story house would solve this problem. Also, the love of my life loves to grill and a big part of his diet is using is Traeger grill, so he’s low-key suffering without it. My condo HOA doesn’t allow it. I appreciate his sacrifice…
There are other parts to complicate the story, but I’ll skip those. We decided that he and I would rent a house together (a one story house), I would rent out my condo and make it an investment property, and our problems would be solved this way. Whoohoo!
Our move was an insane four-part plan, moving stuff from my condo into the new house, his old house into the new house, his stuff from my condo into the new house, and his friend’s stuff from his old house into my condo. Thanks for being a tenant, friend!
This got decided in like two weeks, and then we had two more weeks to FIND a place, and then waited with bated breath to get approved because we HAD to move in the second to last weekend of August. This is because we had a funeral to go to the last weekend.
So here we are in a nice one-story house! I haven’t lived in a house since I was a kid growing up! It’s weird but cool. The dog door didn’t work out, so that’s still a problem. However, it is REALLY nice to just open the door to let Gangis out and not have to carry him. We also can use Chris’ fire pit! I love backyard fires and roasting marshmallows!

So we moved Chris’ stuff by hand, but I wanted to hire a moving company for my stuff from my condo to new house. I’m SICK AND FREAKING TIRED Of moving. ;_; Plus I have a huge heavy massage chair and I always have to trouble my strong teammates to move it.
We found “All My Sons” moving company. Chris got a quote, making sure to tell them about the heavy chair. Then we called back once our place got approved and made the appointment, reminding them about the chair. He said, “It’s like 350-400 pounds, so make sure you bring at least 3 or four guys.” They said okay.
They showed up on moving day with two guys, who could not move the chair. I’m not going to write all the juicy details here because they eventually made it right, but I had to blast them online. (thank you 100K social media followers). We had a big argument with the manager, who refused to send more people. After I posted my displeasure on social media, they apologized, came back, and moved the chair. The men did good work! Very fast, nice guys.

The funeral was sad, but I got to spend a long weekend getting to know Chris’ family. I loved that!! I don’t know if it’s okay to post pictures of them so I won’t, but I especially loved meeting his siblings who I’ve heard so much about, and his grandfather.

We got home and life got back to normal.
Yay yay yayyyyyy and then we started getting the water bills last week. Sixty eight dollars was tacked onto my rent, and I just paid it with my credit card online before I realized…wait a second, why I am I paying my property management company anything? I thought I pay the city directly? Weird. (I still have to call about that but we have bigger problems). I also got a bill 8/23- 8/31 for $167.
I looked at the dates. A week? Maybe I don’t know how to read the water bill… weird. Isn’t that a lot? In the same mail bunch, I got a letter from the Las Vegas Water authority saying that when they checked the meter, it showed a flow of water, so they are alerting us to a possibility of a leak. So I called the Water Authority and told the lady that one day my toilet got stuck open, so I was wondering if that could have registered as a constant flow. Is it still doing it?
“Well first of all,” the nice lady said, “We checked your meter on Aug 31st, and you said the toilet thing happened a week ago? So that couldn’t have been it.” She instructed me to go outside and showed me how to check the water meter. I read her the number. She said, “Oh my god! So…is the triangle spinning?” I said yes. “You’re leaking like…. *pause to calculate* like 200 gallons of water a day! Your bill is going to be like…six hundred dollars for the month!”
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH WTFFFFFFFFFFFF I should have called Chris immediately, but I didn’t want to panic him at work, so I waited until he got home. He ran outside and shut the water off to the house. ^_^;; oops, he could have told me how to do it but whatever. The little triangle was still spinning! He then shut the water off at the street and the triangle stopped, so that indicated there’s a water main bust between the street and the house. Which is GREAT. That means they just have to dig up several meters in the front yard, not the whole house. yaaay but boooo. We better not be held responsible for that water bill because we are tenants who just moved in! ;_;
So I thought a leak detection company would rush right over but apparently not, so we’ve spent a week shutting the water on and off in the morning and night to shower and refill buckets and toilers. Frankly, that’s better than having NO water. This is still happening as I’m writing this from the UFC host hotel.
My preparation for this fight has been really good. I’m in fantastic shape and I really like the gameplan. I think I can execute it well on my opponent. Camp was actually quite stressful because I was constantly worried about getting hit in the head too hard. It’s probably a combination of people going too hard, and my fight mileage. That’s one thing I promised myself…if I ever started getting knocked out or getting concussion symptoms, I would retire immediately from fighting. So I’m super conscious of it and probably over-sensitive. I started wearing headgear just to make sure I’m fine. So after all my hard training was over and I breathed a sign of relief, I realized that all my training was actually quite fantastic. I feel really really good.
So Friday September 24th is my weigh-in day….it’s also my birthday! I’m turning…twenty! Haha just kidding. I’m turning 39!! I cannot believe it! As a youth, I wondered where I’d be at this stage of my life. I’m very happy and have had a very exciting life! I had a good year!
Last year on my birthday, I was visiting my dad. We were sitting down on the sofa having a serious heart to heart when he said, “Go buy property to invest. Also, go find a man so you’re not lonely in your old age.” Whoa!! Talk about direct. But my dad is usually correct. I don’t always listen, but I recognize the value of his advice.
So I went home and on the same day contacted a realtor, and reactivated my Bumble online dating app. I found a condo and man one month later! 😀 Thanks for the inspiration, Dad!
And this fight is my 49th fight! Whooooohooo! I gotta make it to 50 fights. Unfortunately, for stupid reasons, Ultimate Fighter fights don’t go on my official record, so I think my official record is 43 fights. Come onnnnnnn I want them to register me at my 50 fights when it happens. :< Oh well. Fans will know. Because I SHALL TELL THEM!!!
Anywho, go me, 39 and 49, baby. And I have a man for life. ^_^
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