My two upcoming fights, my cousin’s wedding trip, visited family
It’s been busy and will become even MORE busy!
I have two fights set! A grappling match in Fusion Fight League in Montana on July 31st, and UFC fight September 25th Idon’tknowwherebutthatsokay!
I fought for Fusion Fight League a few years ago just before the UFC, and they offered to have me enter their cage again by way of jiujitsu match. Of course I’m contracted to the UFC for MMA, but I can do grappling anywhere with permission, which I got. Thank you Mick and UFC for allowing it. It’s exciting to me that my opponent asked for me. 😀 It’s an honor! I’ll be facing Barb Ciesnolevicz (and I thought my name was hard to spell! o_o) She seems nice. Can’t wait to do battle in the most jiujitsu-y of ways! I’ve been doing more jiujitsu classes with Jerry Shapiro in preparation, and taking privates with my mentor Mike Pyle.
I’ve gotten back into shape after my surgery! My knee feels great!

My “pro grappling record” is 0-2. ;_; I feel wimpy now. Oh well, it’s okay. Those two were my first matches ever at black belt so *shrug* I’ll just have to do my best! lol I’m so excited for this opportunity!
My UFC fight is against Tatiana Suarez, former straw weight and amazing wrestler. I’ve developed an amazing gameplan to handle her wrestling. I’m going to have to be in super good shape for it, though! Oss go me. I’m training with Lorenzo again.

Last weekend, I went to my cousin JoeJoe’s wedding! Congrats to him and Francesca! Man, most over the top wedding I’ve ever experienced! Beautiful church ceremony. For cocktail hour, I could not get over the table of lobster and sea food! Other amazing food that I couldn’t try all of it! I’m so happy I got to introduce Chris to my dad and step mother. We had breakfast together. I think they liked him. 🙂 The men talked about guns, hunting, cars, and other manly things, relating details about which I had no comprehension. I sat there listening to the stuff about the stuff related to the stuff, dreamily gazing at the men I love. 🙂
I got to chat with my cousin Alison and her six (?) year old daughter Pia at cocktail hour.

I got to sit next to my dad and be at the same table as my Aunt. It was just wonderful! I was so happy I felt like I was glowing like a supernova, emitting rays of happiness. I think people could tell. Oh oh oh!! So when it was dance time, I usually hate dancing. I feel awkward and don’t want to move sexily. I don’t want people to look at me. But somehow, some how it became okay! I already have a man so I don’t care how I look anymore. We slow-danced for the first time ….ever. And it was the first time in my entire life I slow-danced with a man I loved! So exciting! I was so happy I wanted to cry! And I stepped on his feet like a billion times. I could barely focus I was so happy. lol Man, I didn’t know this kind of happiness could exist. I love looking into his intelligent blue eyes. aaaah twitterpation

We had to battle Tropical Storm Elsa to get places. Roads in New Jersey (Newark) were flooded! We were like ten minutes late to the church ceremony! It was totally my fault for not leaving way ahead of time.
That was an incredible night. Dude, they had flames, fog machines, a live singer who looked and acted like Frank Sinatra, a painter, a photo booth, and an entire room with dessert!
On Friday, we visited my aunt and uncle on my mom’s side! So happy to see them and introduce them to Chris! That was really important to me, actually. We had a nice lunch together.

We went to High Level Jiujitsu club in Amsterdam where we were welcomed warmly by James Fallas, the owner! (How’s that alliteration? XD) It’s so ironic that the stuff he showed was JUST what I’ve been working on with Mike back home at Syndicate. I got some cool details I’ve been using now!

On Saturday, we visited with my mom! We went out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Took long nature walks. Played Clue and Chinese checkers. I’m so happy.

We went home early on Sunday. Yay. Back to normal-ish training schedule!
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