Lots has happened! Next fight vs Liz, Star Trek, BJJ kids, Aladdin, training, lots of pics
I haven’t written a blog for a while but a lot has happened.
My fight got set! I’m fighting Liz Carmouche July 20th in Texas! I’m so excited!
I feel like this fight was a long time in coming. We both fought at 135 for a while, and then both dropped to 125, but never met in the cage.
Now she’s ranked #3 and I’m #5. I’m also excited to be fighting three months after my last fight. For me, that’s the ideal time in between fights. I’m usually not that lucky. 🙂
So I’m trying to hype the fight with a little smack talk. Liz seems like such a great person and fighter so it’s really hard, but I’m trying. Check out my latest attempts. She has yet to respond. Come on now! I know it’s brutal, but hang in there, Liz!

Man, I can’t believe her friends and teammates are letting me lambaste her on social media like this without telling her.
I’ve been training really hard, as usual. JoJo will fight soon so I’m helping her out by participating in her private lessons, which are educational for me, too.
I’ve been trying to get in an extra jiujitsu gi day here and there at Dunham’s. The other day Evan himself gave me some advice for both gi stuff and for my fight. John’s my main gameplaner but Evan says things in memorable ways, as well.

I got two new rash guards from Fusion Fight Gear! A Mortal Kombat one and Star Trek Commander Data one! They have such awesome stuff. Check out https://fusionfightgear.com/

I saw the new Aladdin with Serena last weekend! I had already made up my mind that I was going to love it, and I LOVE LOVE LOVED IT! TO the point where I cried tears of joy during some of the scenes because I adored it so much. So Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie, and the following series was my fav TV show as a kid before I got into anime.

Serena and I got invited to our seven-year-old student’s birthday party! I was thrilled to go. I love him and I’m happy he wanted us to come! 😀

The parents rented a TRAIN that drove around the neighborhood! Eli got in a middle car, and his friends piled in. Serena and I squeezed ourselves in the back car. Eli got out and joined us! So guess what? All his friends tried to follow and cram in with us because the birthday boy was there. Only two others fit. I’m sure one of those boys was scared of me. lol Probably thinking, “Why is Eli’s friend so huge?!”

I finished watching Star Trek Discovery season 2! I’ve been really into it lately! Captain Pike is freaking awesome. What great plot twists, great plot and acting and special effects and omg.
I’ve binge-watched the 4th season of Lucifer. I typically don’t like love stories OR cop dramas, but I adore this series. The 4th was so good! wow. Such great acting. Great plot.

On the anime front…. well, I’ve been mostly watching Star Trek and Lucifer, but occasionally this one my Japanese friend G-san recommended called Demon Slayer Blade. This guy’s sister gets turning into a demon but he doesn’t want to kill her like he’s supposed to. So far it’s good. I’m on ep 5 now.

Teaching kids has been great. I love them.
I went to a fundraiser for the daughter of my jiujitsu teammate who has cancer.

That was a challenge, especially since one of my family members is very ill FROM cancer. That’s not going well.
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